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Our prayer: Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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May 10, 2013

As our Liberty Counsel litigation team and I enter the final days of preparation for our ObamaCare showdown at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals next week, I am writing to ask that you pray for us over this weekend… in the days leading up to and including May 16 when we appear in court… and for the federal judges in the days following my oral argument as they deliberate their ruling.   
Many miraculous things have taken place concerning our lawsuit against ObamaCare due to the prayers and faithful support of those who have signed our powerful Amici Book!  Please read more below – Mat. 
I know you realize that when tens of thousands of believers are praying, miracles happen!  
I saw undeniable evidence of this in the process leading up to the hearing of our case against ObamaCare, Liberty University v. Geithner, before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on May 10th, 2011, and then again in the actions taken by the United States Supreme Court to revive our case for a new hearing.  
Now, in hindsight, we can clearly see that only the Lord could have orchestrated the events that have made our lawsuit the most comprehensive suit against ObamaCare in the nation!  
Our legal team is in intense preparations and poised to return to the Fourth Circuit just six days from now.  It is still possible that we could be back at the Supreme Court before year’s end and ObamaCare’s official full implementation date of January 1, 2014.  
++Patrick, prayer changes things!
I attribute the unusual and unexpected turns of events in our case to the fact that over 100,000 people were praying for Liberty Counsel’s litigation team, the judges, our Department of Justice adversaries, and the entire deliberation process in 2011 and beyond!  
Clearly, the Lord has been working throughout this process and we feel greatly encouraged by the prayers and support from our thousands of friends and supporters!  
Prayer for this case is now more important than ever!

Thank you for signing the new Amici Book, for joining with me, the Liberty Counsel litigation team, and over 81,000 (so far) of your fellow patriotic Americans who REFUSE to allow the Left to turn America into just another second-rate socialist state!

This kind of support and commitment to prayer is why I made sure we created an all new Amici Book for our renewed ObamaCare lawsuit. 
++Liberty Counsel has been called by God for such a time as this. 
I believe the Lord has uniquely prepared Liberty Counsel for this season in our nation’s history.  I believe that God is honoring our work – and the prayers of His people. 
The current political reality in America has led to one of the busiest, most compacted litigation schedules – and the most intense series of public policy battles – Liberty Counsel has yet experienced.  
++Be sure to get your copies of ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover. 
Here is one example of what this powerful expose reveals. Under the so-called healthcare “reform” law… 
This legislative leviathan, which sets up 159 boards, commissions and agencies, is a work in progress whose true contours are still… being defined by an army of bureaucrats writing tens of thousands of pages of government regulations… The law gives broad discretion to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, stating more than a thousand times, “The Secretary shall…”    
Imagine the overwhelming impact on our lives as directed by 159 new government agencies directing our health care and our medical decisions!  
What you know about ObamaCare is bad.  What you don’t know about ObamaCare is far worse. 
Please click here to sign the Amici Book and to learn more about the opportunity to obtain the book on ObamaCare that is an essential resource for every American business, family, and individual: ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover. 
THANK YOU for continuing to be a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Don’t ever doubt that God is at work in our nation!  It may seem to be a dark time, but that is when His work shines forth the brightest!
Please be sure to get the book, ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover.  Click here to learn more:
P.P.S. The Liberty Counsel family of ministries’ new Internet portal is a vital resource for you to see the many activities our friends are enabling us to undertake. Visit anytime at
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776