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FW:  May 10, 2013


Overview of the hijacking of the U.S. Justice System.

For those who are unfamiliar or would like to review why Bill Brockbrader is an American Hero, see my earlier post here.


Bill is in a Federal Prison because he gave away secrets the American Government wanted kept away from the American People. Quite succinctly he told of how U.S. military on the ground and from ships using Tomahawk missiles were targeting Iraq long before 9/11. The specific charges stem from a military court-martial finding him guilty of rape. However the so called rape was a trumped up charge to force him to stay silent. And for awhile Bill did keep doing his job. But when he could no longer participate the U.S. required him to register himself as a sexual offender. His failure to do so resulted in his incarceration and being found guilty by a jury that really had little to go on except the limited facts.


We have all been taught that the Founding Fathers wrote The Constitution of the United States and that document has since guided our nation. WRONG!


Oh they wrote it and until 1871 The Constitution of the United States guided our Republic. But the Civil War had brought the Republic to a point of bankruptcy and profound weakness. And, of course, the only way out was to get a loan because money solves all problems.


A loan requires collateral today and back in 1871. The Forty-First Congress had nothing to put up to secure the loan that was being offered by International Bankers. But the Bankers had a plan that Congress agreed to. It is a plan YOU WILL NOT WANT TO BELIEVE.


The plan enacted by the Forty-First Congress was called “An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia”, also known as the "Act of 1871."  The Congress had no right to pass this act under The Constitution of the United States and in fact it was an act of TREASON.

SEE: Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62.


The plan calls for the ten square miles of the District of Columbia to operate under a separate form of government than the Republic. A corporation was founded known as THE UNITED STATES (capitalization required by law) that was owned by foreign entities, i.e. International Bankers. This corporation would be run under a new document called The Constitution for the United States. This is not the original Constitution of the United States written by the Founding Fathers. Oh yes it seems to be the same thing and that is what they counted on. In fact, the word “of” has been replaced by “for”.  At that moment the Constitution written by the Founding Fathers ceased to be the ruling document in America.


Concurrent with the throwing out of the Republic’s Constitution was the throwing out of “Common Law” which had been the basis for all judicial proceedings in the Republic. The corporation THE UNITED STATES would hence forth follow “Private International Law” based upon “Admiralty/Maritime Law”. Capitalization under Private International Law indicates a corporation. And it is this corporation which through its various departments of the Treasury, State, Education, Labor,...JUSTICE has ruled America since 1871.


Your Congressman/woman and your Senators work for THE UNITED STATES corporation as does everyone in the Federal Judicial System. The error in the “Plan” is that it only applies to the District of Columbia. But why should they let legal technicalities cloud their illusion? See


Oh, and the collateral that was offered up in 1871 to the International Bankers was the citizens of the Republic. Yes, we belong to the corporation. And while this is a complicated subject it gets even weirder when we go forward to 1931 and the deal President Franklin D. Roosevelt made with the Federal Reserve Bank.


The Federal Reserve Act of 1931 established a PRIVATE banking system by the Congress working for the Corporation. It is legal because it was NOT done under The Constitution OF the United States but totally treasonous if the nation was still existing as a Republic. By 1933 and bankrupt looming again, Roosevelt needed more collateral. I am not sure how he sold us a second time, but this time it really stuck. He put up the American citizen as collateral to the Federal Reserve Bank.


Upon issuance of a birth certificate or naturalization certificate, a U.S. citizen is added to the collateral. Everything owned by this new economic slave is collateral for the national debt (along with all Federally owned lands like the parks). SEE


There is so much more to this story and I will continue to post. But the bottom line here is that Bill has declared himself, “I have declared that I am a live soul and I am not a monitory asset equivalent.” He and Eva are putting it all on the line and in front of a judge that will have Bill’s fate in his hands, Bill will declare himself “a sovereign being” and not collateral to THE UNITED STATES corporation nor the Federal Reserve Bank.


Why is Bill Brockbrader in prison? Because he is an American Hero who will not stop fighting until all of us are once again living under the Republic and free souls. Bill had taken an oath to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic."  That oath is what I believe drove him off the Timeline which would have seen him set free by the jury. The Timeline he chose is the one that has completely freed him in a way that we must all be freed. He may be behind bars but he is a Free Man.


That Free Man is setting himself up as an example of what we must all do. First, realize we have been sold an amazing bill of goods. Our Republic was stolen by International Bankers. And if you are really paying attention you are wondering if any of this is any importance to YOU.  Well the answer is, "In ways you cannot even imagine." But that is another post.


Right now just know that Bill Brockbrader has chosen a Timeline that will allow him to fight the enemies that have desecrated the Founding Father's Constitution.  And here is something to think about that was said by Tomas Jefferson, "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies..."  


Please, join his fight and join his Facebook group.




And here is a video that first introduced me to the fact that I was an economic slave.