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Protection Against Unwarranted Surveillance/alert

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May 2, 2013

Please read and act on this. Privacy is just as much a God given natural right as the 2nd Amendment, and property rights. The Constitution is like a ballon, any unconstitutional law makes the whole thing pop.

Join the great awaking and resistance to tyranny that is taking place!!!!

Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God, no matter what the government 501C3 church tries to feed you.

New York Assembly Bill 06244, Protection Against Unwarranted Surveillance,

is a bill to nullify warrantless drone spying.  AB06244 has passed the

Committee on Codes. This bill will soon be going to the floor, and AB06244

needs your help to move forward.

AB06244 is expected to be up for a vote on the Assembly Floor very soon.

Contact your legislator in the state Assembly, and let them know you support

this important bill to preserve the privacy rights of the residents of New



Tell your Representatives to vote for this.