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Americans waking up to ObamaCare's grim reality

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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May 2, 2013

A recent Kaiser Health Tracking poll revealed that Americans’ support of ObamaCare has dropped into a tie with its all-time low with just 35% approving of the government takeover of our healthcare system.   
But that’s not what is most shocking about the public’s evolving view of healthcare “reform.”  Please read my important update on what Senator Jay Rockefeller, one of ObamaCare’s chief architects, is now calling “probably the most complex piece of legislation ever passed by the United States Congress” that is “just beyond comprehension.”  
ObamaCare’s unraveling, unworkable implementation is all the more reason why we must defeat it in court!  See my very important message below – Mat.
In the April findings from the Kaiser Health Tracking poll, 42% of  respondents are “unaware that the ACA [Affordable Care Act] is still the law of the land, including 12 percent who believe the law was repealed by Congress, 7 percent who believe it has been overturned by the Supreme Court, and 23 percent who don’t know whether or not the ACA remains law.”  
“About half the public says they don’t have enough information about the health reform law to understand how it will impact their family.”  
Therein lays the essence of one of the biggest government boondoggles in world history.  
Half of our nation doesn’t understand what is being thrust on us by our own government! The passage of ObamaCare was so deceitful, so manipulative, and so intentionally misleading that the American public is finally realizing it had only a vague notion of what the Obama administration was actually doing.
This has now registered with the politicians who willingly colluded with Team Obama to ramrod this national disgrace through Congress.  Now, even the key architects of ObamaCare’s passage – liberal “progressives” like Senators Max Baucus and Jay Rockefeller – are running for the exit.  
Here’s what the passage of ObamaCare really means… 
  • Congress passed a law they didn’t understand to take over one of the biggest industries in our nation, encompassing a $2.6 trillion takeover – or almost 18 percent of our nation’s GDP – affecting every American of every age and economic status.
  • In the coming months, there will be a virtual avalanche of new regulations, guidelines, bureaucratic processes, fees, and taxes imposed on every American business and individual to try and get ObamaCare implemented by January 2014. Over 15,000 pages of new regulations have been distributed so far. 
  • Dozens of unelected, extra-constitutional “czars” appointed by President Obama and his inner circle of advisors will work in lockstep with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, with their thousands of tax-paid bureaucratic underlings, preparing for the full launch of ObamaCare in 2014.  
  • States and large businesses say they need more clarification and additional directives to implement the new program. 
  • By the end of this year, over 1,600 IRS agents will be hired to “police” ObamaCare participants.  The “death panels” will be in place.  And over 20 new taxes will have been imposed. 
  • Contrary to the oh-so-earnest promises made by President Obama when he was selling ObamaCare to the nation, the new healthcare law is already driving up costs for every American. And, no, most Americans will not be allowed to keep the coverage they currently have! This will eventually usher in a single-payer system. 
Sadly, many Americans are overwhelmed by the complexity of this situation, and have become numb to the effects that ObamaCare will ultimately have on their healthcare, their personal finances, their available options, and their freedom of conscience.
That’s why Senator Max Baucus, who played a major role in getting ObamaCare through Congress, now calls it a “train wreck coming down.” 
++ObamaCare’s relentless assault on religious liberty and free enterprise.
As a friend of Liberty Counsel, you know that one of ObamaCare’s most intrusive assaults on liberties comes from the mandate that companies provide coverage for contraception, abortions, and abortifacients (“morning after” pills, chemicals like RU-486, and other death-dealing pharmaceuticals). 
We MUST stop this outrage before it develops any further!
I believe Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare is America’s best hope to end the federal takeover of our healthcare system and its deadly impact on our culture.
Because of the remarkable Supreme Court ruling granting a rehearing of Liberty University v. Geithner, our case against ObamaCare, I will be delivering oral argument before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, on May 16 on behalf of tens of millions of informed Americans who want to keep ObamaCare’s socialist mandate from doing irreparable damage to our nation. 
Right now my legal team is in full preparation mode for our pending court date. 
As one of the signers of the all-new Amici Book, I know that you stand behind Liberty Counsel’s efforts to rid our nation of ObamaCare once and for all. 
But it’s also important to me that you – and as many other members of your circle of influence as possible – understand what the implementation of ObamaCare means to our nation, our businesses, our families, and our churches. 
That’s why I hope you will order this incredible book…
ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover! This is one of the best resources we have yet offered. 
What are the hidden dangers of ObamaCare lurking inside the so-called “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Law”?
This must-have, 100-page booklet exposes the looming disaster of ObamaCare on America’s healthcare system, your finances, your health, and your freedom. 
ObamaCare will alter virtually every aspect of the American way of life: our finances (nationally, corporately and individually), our individual choices, our freedoms, our rights of conscience, and of course, our world-class healthcare system. 
Every American – young and old – is feeling the sting of ObamaCare.
Please, stand with my team and me once again and order your copies of ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover for a gift today of any amount! 
As you know, Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit is now at the forefront of all judicial efforts to have ObamaCare overturned. Our legal battle is among the most historic pieces of litigation ever fought in the United States federal courts.  
THANK YOU for all you do, and have done, as a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Thank you again for joining me in the courtroom by signing our Amici Book (meaning, as I have mentioned, “Book of Friends”).  Please be sure to get your copies of ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover – and thank you in advance for your special gift to help undergird our extremely important litigation efforts. Again, thank you and God bless you!
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776