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Help take ObamaCare down!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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April 25, 2013

This is an important update on our battle to remove the plague of ObamaCare from the laws of our nation. Please see my urgent message below – Mat.
Today, Liberty Counsel filed its final brief in Liberty University v. Geithner before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals hears our case against ObamaCare on May 16.

Liberty Counsel represents Liberty University and two private individuals in this case.  Our case is the most comprehensive and significant challenge to ObamaCare in the country!

Liberty Counsel is challenging (1) the employer mandate; (2) the abortion mandate for religious employers; (3) the abortion mandate for individuals; and (4) the entire law because tax bills must originate in the House.

++The unconstitutional “mandates” in ObamaCare must be struck down!

The employer mandate exceeds Congress’s enumerated powers. Even if Liberty University (LU) provides insurance, but refuses to provide any portion of the preventive coverage mandate (including abortifacients and IUDs), it will still be penalized $2,000 per year for every one of its “full time equivalent” employees.

The Act coerces LU to violate its religious convictions under penalty of enormous fines. These excessive fines constitute an impermissible penalty.

Liberty University and every faith-based institution of learning, faith-based charity, and other non-profit ministry in the nation will be forced to provide the Obama administration’s required contraceptive/abortifacient/sterilization services as delineated in the ObamaCare law on August 1, 2013 – unless that provision is removed from the law by Congress or the courts.

++ We must do everything possible to STOP ObamaCare’s implementation.  

Liberty Counsel has been engaged in a multi-phased, multi-year legal offensive against ObamaCare since its passage into law, including our forthcoming appearance at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, on May 16 as directed by the United States Supreme Court.  

But as aggressive as our litigation against ObamaCare has been, we continue to press forward on other actions to stop the implementation of ObamaCare, including efforts to defund it, repeal it, make it administratively impossible to implement, and other lawful means of stopping this unconstitutional take-over of the American medical system.

++We must help Congress protect our constitutional rights.


Three Representatives have proposed a vitally important bill that would partially right this wrong and restore the constitutional guarantee of our Rights of Conscience.

Former nurse and current Congresswoman Diane Black (R-TN), former practicing physician and current Congressman John Fleming, M.D. (R-LA), and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), are challenging the overt infringement of our Freedom of Conscience as “mandated” by ObamaCare.

They cosponsored the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (HCCRA) bill in the House – and all Americans who stand for life and the protection of our unalienable rights should rally behind this bill.  There are already 135 cosponsors of this important legislation (131 Republicans and four Democrats).

This bill is stalled in committee and must be brought to a vote.

Please click here to sign the letter/petition to congress that demands that this bill come out of committee to a full vote in the House of Representatives.

In this Citizen Petition, we demand respect for the First Amendment, ensuring Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Conscience, and Freedom of Religion – and, unified, we stand in staunch support of H.R. 940 – the Health Care Conscience Rights Act.  

We are calling for the bill’s passage in the House Subcommittee on Health – and for a full vote by our elected congressmen in the House of Representatives.  

Congress must act to ensure that the rights of citizens are protected against unconstitutional “mandates”!

Click here to add your name and tell the House of Representatives that you support the Health Care Conscience Rights Act:

++More on our ObamaCare lawsuit…

In our final brief to the Fourth Circuit filed today, Liberty Counsel told the court that because ObamaCare was classified as a tax, it violates the Origination Clause of the Constitution, which requires all tax laws to originate in the House.

Here’s how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid applied deceit and trickery to give the appearance of compliance with the Origination Clause:

Reid completely gutted a bill which had passed the House, House Resolution 3590 (The Service Members Home Ownership Act), and then inserted a new title and over 2,000 pages of the ObamaCare bill. This is the first time that the “gut-and-amend” scheme had been used by the Senate to impose new taxes.

Our Founding Fathers wrote the Origination Clause because they wanted to keep the power to tax as close to the people as possible.

ObamaCare cannot originate in the Senate and is therefore constitutionally invalid!  Please pray that Liberty Counsel is successful in defeating ObamaCare.

 I urge you to take a minute now and add your name to the letter of support for H.R. 940, along with thousands of other citizens concerned about the growing assault on our liberties.  

Click here to read and sign the petition:

God bless you and thank you for taking immediate action with us!  


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Liberty Counsel is aggressively fighting ObamaCare knowing the destruction it will cause to our American healthcare system and its gross infringements upon our rights.  

The medical professionals who have entered public service as members of Congress also know the damage ObamaCare will do to our healthcare system – and to our God-given rights.

We are taking a range of actions to derail ObamaCare’s unconstitutional mandates in addition to our powerful lawsuit, Liberty University v. Geithner, in the belief that we must do everything possible to STOP ObamaCare’s implementation!  

Please, click here to add your name in support of the Health Care Conscience Rights Act:

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776