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Monsanto vs. Mother Earth: Join the millions who have already signed the petition to take back nature from the biotech monsters

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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April 24, 2013


(NaturalNews) The world's most evil corporation, Monsanto, has taken a new interest in conventional food crops, which the company is currently trying to seize ownership of in Europe by exploiting a little-known loophole in European patent law. And a petition created by the human rights group Avaaz, which has already garnered nearly two million signatures in less than two weeks, may help stop this unscrupulous takeover of food by drawing global attention to it.


According to Avaaz, European patent law is currently written in such a way as to allow corporations the option to literally patent natural plant varieties and conventional plant breeding methods, even if they have been utilized by farmers and gardeners for centuries. As a result, Monsanto and others are beginning to file for these patents, which could allow them to eventually require farmers to pay royalties and buy seed every year for non-GMO, natural crops.


"Companies like Monsanto have found loopholes in European law to have exclusive rights over conventional seeds," explains the Avaaz petition. "Many farmers and politicians are already against this -- we just need to bring in people power to pressure these countries to keep Monsanto's hands off our food."


You can view and sign the Avaaz petition here:


Coordinated effort required to stop Monsanto takeover of food supply

Avaaz is calling on powerful European nations like Germany, France and the Netherlands to take action now to stop this corporate takeover of the seeds of life. Since grassroots awareness of Monsanto's seed-seizing tactics is already strong in each of these countries, it would be prudent for them to collectively strike back against this affront to food freedom by voting to eliminate the patent law loopholes that could allow the biotech bullies to assume ownership of nature.


"As concerned citizens, we urge you to take the lead to fix European patent law by calling on the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organization to close the loopholes that allow corporations to patent plant varieties and conventional breeding methods," states the petition, as directed specifically to the governments of France, Germany and the Netherlands, all of which are member states of the European Patent Convention.


"Clear and effective safeguards and prohibitions are needed to protect consumers, farmers and breeders from the corporate takeover of our food chain."


You can view and sign the Avaaz petition here:


According to Avaaz, the petition went viral quickly after being established on April 9, 2013, achieving one million signatures in less than two days. And you can help keep the momentum strong by not only signing the petition yourself, but sharing it with your friends and family.


You can also participate in the official March Against Monsanto, a global grassroots effort to expose the truth about the dangers of GMOs; question the duplicitous complacency of governments with regards to the GMO issue; and advocate for a global boycott of Monsanto-owned companies. You can learn more about March Against Monsanto by visiting the group's Facebook page:


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