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Are Americans Sick and Tired of Being Presumed Guilty Until Proven Innocent By the Government?

The Lone Star Watchdog

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april 11, 2013

How many times I hear the American people are bad when they have done nothing wrong.  It does not matter what we do. We go get a drivers license, get a permit to carry concealed handgun. It is getting to the point we have to get our finger prints taken like we are criminals to get permission from the state for something totally legal and constitutional.

I remember going to Family court in Florida because a parent I knew before I became a father. This family had their kids taken away for a ridicules reason where no harm was done. The Social worker and the Judge treated my friends like they were bad parents based of an anonymous tip.  Why have we put up with this for so long?

When we go to the airport, or the Hotel to check in and rent a car. We are asked questions like we are criminals under suspicion. If we want some privacy for personal reasons, we are under suspicion we have something hide or we are doing something illegal. I am sick and tired of this crap. We are not the bad people and nor should we answer anymore questions like we are criminals.

I say enough is enough. We are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof is the government’s job to prove that we are guilty. We do not have to prove ourselves innocent nor answer questions with TSA chat-downs, DHS checkpoints or drug interdiction operations and DWI check Points. Why feel guilty if we broke no laws bringing harm to another person and their property? Please have some dignity to make a stand. We have nothing to say to them. We should start to fire back. How? Answering their questions with a question since the government has been violating laws and our God given rights in the name of fighting the war on drugs and terrorism. The Government has brought much harm. If the courts and media will not hold them accountable to obey the laws. Then it is up to the people to stand in the gap and ask the tough questions.

To start with child Protective Services, if we have a social Worker at your door over an anonymous tip. We do not have to speak to them or let them in our homes. Ask the Social Worker’s question with a question.

Ask the Social Worker why that a child is more likely to be abused and neglected in State Custody in the safety of their family?

Why are CPS workers being hired with criminal records?

Ask the CPS worker why are Child Pedophiles being always being caught working for CPS?

Ask why they always take away children from good stable homes and do nothing for the child in danger of being abused, neglected or killed in an unstable environment?

It seems CPS in many states have broke laws and under their supervision the most horrific things have been done to children from traumatizing them to testing drugs on them as a laboratory experiment for big pharmaceutical corporations. Many children deaths have been cause by these unsafe drugs.  Many children in the Foster care system are permanently damaged being on these psychotropic drugs. We should ask CPS these questions because there are not above reproach. We know as parents we have not abused our kids or done nothing wrong. Than we have the right to remain silent. We have nothing to say to them. They have question they have to answer because they appear to be guilty.

When we go to the airport and encounter these chat down by TSA agents trying to read our minds to see if we are going to take over an airplane. Well there is no common sense to this security theater we see at the Airports. So when a TSA agent tries to do a chat down because he suspects us being terrorist. We are not bad people; we just want to be left alone to make it to our flights on time. We are not the Terrorist. They should have answered the following questions why they act like the real terrorist while accusing us of the very thing they do. We are guilty of nothing and the TSA must answer our questions since this agency is far from reproach. So when we are asked personal question like we are guilty of something, they must answer us the people. When confronted asked these questions to the TSA. Here is what everyone should say to the TSA goon.


Why are there aggravated convicted Felons working for the TSA not passing or going through a background check?

Why are there known pedophiles and rapist working with the public putting a woman and children in danger by groping?

Why is there someone in the newspaper every week who works for the TSA being caught stealing cash and valuable from passenger’s luggage?

Why do we have to groped or forced to be radiated in the body scanner when the Underwear Bomber was a government operation?  We should be asking why the TSA does not search thier own fellow travelers wortking for the government since that have been behind all so called plots with the explosives and materiel support to carry one out.

What about with this gun control bill going the Congress now. What about when the President goes out on the campaign trail selling the destruction of the second Amendment? We have nothing to feel guilty about our God given right to self defense with the use of arms. We are forced to go through a background check to purchase a gun or rifle and ask questions that are none of the government’s business. The US government has armed known war criminals with fully automatic rifles, grenades and other weapons of warfare to the Mexican drug cartels and the Muslim Brotherhood without a background check. The CIA ships in the drugs like Heroin and Marijuana from Afghanistan. We have these checkpoints supposedly searching for drugs.

I am throwing back in the face of these gullible Police officers receiving grant money from the Federal government. We ought to be saying “we do not buy the government products”.

Why should we be fingerprinted and treated like a criminal when the White House was responsible for Fast and Furious shipping guns and munition not sold to the American public?

Why should we go through a background check when our President sealed his records with an executive order so no one can find out about his past? He may not be from Kenya, but he is hiding something that makes him ineligible to be in the White House. President Obama needs a background check done on him. He is the one engaging in criminal activity, not us.

How about members of congress, speaking of certain Senators and Congressional Representative who want us to undergo a Psychiatric evaluation to own a firearm. They want Americans disarmed. I can say seeing some of these narcissistic people in congress. I believe they need to see the head shrink to see if they are fit to hold office. Many of us American are in are right mind. The Politicians have lost their minds.

Why should we be treated like criminals after September 11, 2001 because Al Qaeda took down the World Trade Center and hit the Pentagon? Now Al Qaeda is now our allies while still enemies in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It is time we start answering a question with a question with these government agents in mass. It is time we throw them off balance putting them in an awkward spot. If we in mass start asking the tough questions of the criminal behavior of the government. We can start to throw doubt in the minds of people doing the bidding of the authoritarians.

We have to start counteracting their questions with facts and the real questions that needs to be answered. Most of all, we need to regain our self respect and say we are not the criminals or guilty of a crime.  Let show them that are the terrorist and the criminals, not us.