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Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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April 11, 2013

For any state to barge into the private counseling program of a minor, ignoring the will of the parents, and handcuffing the counseling strategies of a licensed therapist is unconstitutional – not to mention the very height of hubris and arrogance! 
For a national television network host to proclaim that our society must “break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities” is also far out of line.  
Yet both scenarios speak to a greater ill that has permeated our culture – the notion that Big Brother knows best about intimate family matters!  Please see my very important update below – Mat.
The stage is set in California on April 17 for another historic legal showdown between radical pro-homosexual activists in that state and harried citizens crying out for moral sanity.
The children of our nation’s most populous state have been taken hostage to a radical social agenda!  The so-called “change therapy” law passed by California legislators caving in to the demands of highly organized pro-homosexual lobbyists and pressure groups must not be permitted to go into effect!
In less than a week, Liberty Counsel’s case against California’s “Change Therapy” law (SB 1172) will be heard by three of the Judges from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.  
My legal team and I will be facing off against State of California attorneys assigned to defend SB 1172, one of the most overreaching pro-homosexual laws yet passed by any state. 
We filed suit in federal court on behalf of minors and their parents, counselors, and several counseling organizations which represent over 50,000 counselors.
++This law puts California squarely in the middle of a minor client’s counseling program with a licensed counselor. 
Under this Orwellian law, counselors cannot try to dissuade any client from embracing the homosexual lifestyle – even if the client doesn’t want to act on homosexual sexual attractions.    
The State of California would essentially barge into the private therapy rooms of victimized young people and tell them that confusion caused by a Jerry Sandusky-style abuser is normal and they should pursue their unwanted same-sex sexual attractions and behavior. 
In other words, California counselors would be forced to tell every client “it’s OK to be gay” as the only allowable counsel for clients struggling with same-sex attractions or behavior.
++Big Brother knows better?  
Melissa Harris-Perry, an MSNBC host, has come under a firestorm of criticism for her outspoken advocacy of the State “owning” children – and rightfully so.  
According to Fox News, Harris-Perry recently “recorded a commercial for the network in which she stated that children do not belong to their parents, but are instead the responsibility of the members of their community”. 
She declared in her commercial that “Once it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the household’s, then everybody will make better investments.” 
On YouTube, the MSNBC video clip has received over 640,000 views and comments that cover the spectrum. But one comment that gets to the heart of the issue said…
“Excellent example of elitists who think they know how to raise your kids better than you.”
This is a disturbing cultural trend – and it lies at the heart of California’s shameful law which patently declares that the State knows better about the emotional wellbeing of a child than parents and trained counselors.    
California State Senator Ted Liu, the author of SB 1172, shamelessly admits the law is designed to “interfere with the rights of parents,” because he thinks he knows what’s best for their children!
The California governor and legislature are putting their own preconceived notions and political ideology ahead of children’s welfare and their rights to get access to counseling that meets their needs.  
Even worse, the lives of many young people and their families will be destroyed under this law. 
Unless this law is struck down by our lawsuit, the only viewpoint allowed in California will be that same-sex attractions are healthy and that any attempt to reduce or eliminate them will be prohibited by law!
This outrageous law must be STOPPED! 
Would you stand with us with an immediate financial gift as we prepare for our upcoming day in court?  The battle to stop pro-homosexual legal activism is one of the most important fights in American history.  
Click here to make your best gift possible: 
SB 1172 and the ethical codes of all of the licensing boards are on an inevitable collision course. The licenses of countless mental health professionals hang in the balance. 
California is demanding that counselors disregard their client’s religious beliefs – or change them! This is patently wrong on every level. 
SB 1172 was politically motivated from the beginning and was designed to interfere with counselors and clients. It is an astounding overreach by the government of California into the realm of counseling and will cause irreparable harm if it is allowed to stand.
++We simply must win this case!
Next to our forthcoming case against ObamaCare in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, our case against California’s contemptible new “change therapy” law will be one of the most-watched cases of the year – especially by the pro-homosexual lobby.  The implications of the court’s decision on SB 1172 will be immense.  This ill-considered law has already served as a template for both federal and state pro-homosexual initiatives.  
We know from decades of experience that once a controversial law like this one has been supported by the courts, it will replicate itself in other states and, in some cases, in federal law. 
I pray you will send a special gift to help us in this very important litigation effort that will impact counselors and minor clients all over the nation! 
We firmly believe that we can win this case, but it can’t be done without the prayer and financial support of friends like you! 
Thank you and God bless you for standing with us!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Big Brother does not know better!  If allowed to stand, this law will unleash cultural battles throughout the nation. Please help us continue our vital work on this case and our many others by giving a special gift to support our litigation today.  Again, thank you!
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776