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Jim Dean

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April 5, 2013

News leaked today that President Obama's budget will openly push for cuts to Social Security benefits -- a shot across the bow for the progressives who called their neighbors, spent weekends knocking doors and donated millions to reelect him.


Tell President Obama you don't have his back on this. Sign our petition to stop big cuts to Social Security right now.


Our strategy is simple:


President Obama thinks Democrats will fall in line behind these proposals. If we can show that there is enormous opposition to these Social Security cuts, we can pressure Democrats in Congress to take these devastating cuts off the table.


But we need your help now to do that.


Tell Democrats to reject cuts to Social Security and Medicare by signing our petition today.


We've got to get this done, folks. Let's go.


- Jim


Jim Dean, Chair

Democracy for America


Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission.


Jim Dean