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Will the American family survive?

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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April 4, 2013

Families are the bedrock of our society and culture. Destroy the family and our nation will inevitably crumble.  As you are aware, there are powerful forces in America that are determined to “redefine” the family structure that must be stopped!


Please read my very important update below – Mat.

There is a disastrous epidemic destroying America’s families that stems from ongoing cultural, legal, and legislative attacks on the family structure itself.  


Radical groups want to redefine marriage and the family – and, in far too many instances, they are succeeding!  

Pro-homosexual groups have been engaged in a decades-long crusade to change their depiction in the media, to advance propaganda convincing Americans that same-sex “marriage” is natural, and to popularize a belief that homosexual behavior is somehow “normal.”

Just days ago, the Supreme Court heard key same-sex “marriage” arguments in their review of cases against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a federal law that defines marriage as being between one man and one woman, and California's Proposition 8, which similarly defined marriage and which voters in that state approved in 2008.

Although marriage – being an institution established by God to bless mankind – is not open to redefinition, recent polls suggest a major swing has taken place in America’s attitude toward the disordered concept of same-sex “marriage.”

I am deeply concerned that grassroots conservatives are throwing in the towel in the ongoing battle against the pro-homosexual propaganda machine… against liberal legislators and their outrageous proposals designed to undermine natural marriage and families… and against leftist, agenda-driven judges who are increasingly ruling against natural marriage.

I am also concerned that some conservative leaders are backing down in their defense of natural marriage and families while making overt concessions to the pro-homosexual community.  Apparently, many are doing so to avoid the appearance of being “judgmental” or less than supportive of so-called “civil rights.”

I promise you, Liberty Counsel will NEVER stand by silently as the Obama administration, activist judges, or radical pro-homosexual groups attack the God-ordained institution of marriage and the framework of the family!

++California lawmakers want to force the homosexual lifestyle into the culture whether citizens like it or not.

In 2012, the California legislature dictated that ALL mental health counselors in that state, including Christian counselors, must tell their clients that homosexuality is both normal and natural. 

This overreaching and unconstitutional law was scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2013.  But just before Christmas 2012, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals granted Liberty Counsel’s request for an emergency injunction so that the constitutional issues raised by SB 1172 could be properly considered. 

We filed our lawsuit in federal court on behalf of minors and their parents, counselors, and counseling organizations challenging the law that demands that all mental health professionals affirm same-sex attractions as normal and forbids minors and their parents from receiving counseling that does not comply with the state’s view on homosexuality.

Now, Liberty Counsel will be arguing this crucial case in federal court on April 17. 

Unless this law is struck down by our lawsuit, the only viewpoint allowed in California will be that same-sex attractions are healthy and any attempt to reduce or eliminate them will be prohibited by law!

This law must be STOPPED! And because we are up against very well-funded adversaries, we continue to need your help to prevail in this battle!  

Would you stand with us by sending an immediate financial gift as we prepare for our day in court?  The battle to stop aggressive pro-homosexual legal activism is one of the most important fights in American history.  

Your gift of any amount will be a God-send! Please, consider a special gift to Liberty Counsel to meet this critical litigation need by going here:

The twisted “change therapy” law is another assault on the American family brought on by the lobbying efforts of dozens of pro-homosexual organizations.  It puts moral families, teens, and counselors on the wrong side of the law.

SB1172 places the state between the client and his or her counselor and intrudes on a client’s fundamental right of self-determination.  Clients have the right to seek counseling that aligns with his or her religious and moral values!

The law also forces counselors to overrule the will of their clients who choose to prioritize their religious or moral values above unwanted same-sex sexual attraction.

This despicable law even forbids counselors from referring clients to someone of their choice!

For the state to assume that it knows best what kind of counseling individuals should receive is the height of hubris and arrogance.

California is demanding that counselors disregard their client’s religious beliefs – or change them!

That’s why we are fully engaged in this battle!  

Your financial support today will help keep our legal team engaged in stopping California’s SB 1172, defending families nationwide, defeating ObamaCare, stopping the ACLU from criminalizing Christianity, and in good shape to meet the many other challenges coming our way.

Will you stand with Liberty Counsel in our determined defense of marriage and family?  

Click here to make your best gift possible:

The battle for marriage and family is intensifying but we MUST persevere!

There can be no middle ground in this fight. We have no choice but to win the battle in support of marriage and family.  Losing one of the most important cultural battles of our lifetime is simply unthinkable!

I need your help to ensure that we can continue fighting these battles that are critical to the defense of natural marriage and the family.

As I’m sure you’re aware, the enemies of our God-given freedom are well funded and deeply committed to their misguided causes. We simply must not lose any of these battles due to a lack of resources!

Your gift of $50, $100, or $1,000 will help Liberty Counsel meet these critical needs.


THANK YOU in advance and may God abundantly bless you and your family in these challenging times.

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. The American family is in crisis. The indispensable social pillar of marriage has been systematically undermined and marginalized.  It has surprised no one that ultraliberal forces want to discredit natural marriage and redefine families while advancing a twisted counterfeit of these God-given institutions.

Our docket of family and marriage related cases is rapidly growing. If you can help Liberty Counsel right now, I would be deeply grateful.  Go here to donate:

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776