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Republicans Plotting with Obama?

Ashley .R and Dudley Brown - National Gun Rights

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April 1, 2013

You may have missed it over the holiday weekend, but there's new trouble brewing in the U.S. Senate.


Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley is offering a "gun control lite" bill as an "alternative" to Harry Reid's gun control bill -- S. 649.


What's worse, Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says, "It might be something I can support."

That's why it's vital you call the offices of both Senators -- Grassley and McConnell -- RIGHT NOW!


INSIST Grassley and McConnell OPPOSE the motion to proceed on S. 649, SUPPORT the Paul, Cruz and Lee filibuster, and, drop their plans for a “gun control lite” bill.


Senator Chuck Grassley: 202-224-3744


Senator Mitch McConnell: 202-224-2541


If you have trouble getting through on those phone lines, please click on the links below to send an email to both Grassley and McConnell.


Click here to email Senator Chuck Grassley


Click here to email Senator Mitch McConnell


Thank you -- in advance -- for taking action.


-- Ashley R


P.S. For more information about this dangerous gun control scheme, please read Dudley's detailed briefing below.
