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NO Spring Break in the Fight for Liberty

John Tate

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March 25, 2013

As I write this, members of the House and Senate are heading out of town for their two-week “Spring District Work period.”

Even though Congress isn’t in session, however, you and I cannot take a “spring break” from working to advance liberty.

The statists certainly aren’t taking any time off from trying to defeat us.

Over the next two weeks, most senators and representatives will be holding Town Halls and providing opportunities for constituents to meet them in their local offices.

This is an excellent chance for you to ask your representative and/or senators to cosponsor (if they haven’t yet done so) and help pass Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24/S. 209).

As you know, this legislation would authorize a full Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of the Federal Reserve — the first such thorough audit in the Fed’s 100-year history!

This would clearly show the American people how the Fed facilitates big spending by Congress while bailing out and propping up big (American and foreign) banks and their other insider friends.

Last year, Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed legislation passed the House of Representatives with a three-fourths majority — and polls have shown over 70% of Americans support auditing the Federal Reserve!

Yet Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has so far refused to bring Audit the Fed up for a vote.

So it’s vital you make your voice heard by attending a Town Hall meeting and asking your senators and/or representative to cosponsor Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill.

Your representative and senators’ Town Hall meeting schedules should be available on their websites and in your local media. 

If there aren’t any Town Halls listed, call their local offices to see if you can schedule a meeting to discuss Audit the Fed.

If your senators are already cosponsoring the bill, thank them for their support and urge them to publicly call on Senator Reid to hold a vote on Audit the Fed.

My staff has created a flier you can distribute in your district to help show others why auditing the Fed is so important.

You and I must not let this opportunity to directly confront our legislators go to waste.

So please plan to attend a Town Hall or schedule a meeting with your elected officials over the next two weeks.

And if you can, please make a generous donation to Campaign for Liberty of $15 or $20 to help enable our work to pass Audit the Fed.

C4L is leading this fight, and our efforts have already resulted in unprecedented pressure on Congress and the Federal Reserve.

If funds allow, C4L can turn up the heat even higher and mobilize millions of Americans through hard-hitting mail, email, and op-eds, as well as Internet, print, and even TV ads.

Your action during Congress’ spring break, and your financial support, can help propel Audit the Fed to new heights of success and force Congress to act.

Thank you for standing with C4L in the fight for freedom.

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. The statists are not taking a spring break, and neither can we.  You and I must take advantage of the two-week congressional recess.

Please make every effort to either attend a Town Hall or schedule a meeting with your representative and senators to ask them to support Audit the Fed.

If they are already on board, thank them for their support and urge them to publicly demand Harry Reid schedule a vote on Audit the Fed.

Remember to print out copies of our Audit the Fed flier and distribute it at any Town Hall meeting you attend.  This is a great way to increase support for Audit the Fed.

And if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty’s efforts to Audit the Fed with a generous contribution of $15, $20, or more.

John Tate