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ACTION ALERT: Call or Write your State Senator for a NO Vote on HB 475 - Foreign Nations Drive without Test

North Fulton and Friends Tea Party

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March 17, 2013

North Fulton and Friends Tea Party is not supporting the passage of HB 475 which will be coming to the floor of the Georgia Senate for a vote this week.


HB 475 has passed the House - with only TWO no votes (March 5). It passed the Senate Public Safety committee Thursday.  It is on its way to the Senate floor, and now that they know we are aware of it, it will likely be rushed to a vote. This bill allows the Dept. of Drivers Services to award a Georgia drivers license to a foreign national without any testing of knowledge of laws or driving skills if the sending nation will reciprocate with Georgia!


This will result in highway deaths, and it is a long way from conservatism and sovereignty to allow a foreign country to decide who can receive a license to drive in Georgia and Atlanta, regardless of the driver's ability to speak or read English, such as "bridge-out" or "This is not part of I-75, it is a off ramp for HOV lanes". 


This appears to be an effort to out-do TN and Iowa, as we have been told they have a similar law for Koreans. HERE is info on the issue in general.


It has already been through committee and its last stop is the Senate floor. They will rush it now that they are receiving calls. They are not likely to do a floor amendment.


NFFTEA is requesting a full scale phone/fax/email contacts on:

(in order of priority) Lt. Gov. Cagle,  Senate Pro Tem (David Shafer 404-656-0048), Senate Majority Leader ( Ronnie Chance), Senate Rules Chair (Jeff Mullis)and finally your own state senator - then as many other GOP senators as possible. 



Three general points to mention:  


1, HB 475 is dangerous to drivers and state sovereignty. 2. A foreign nation should not have any dealings with regulating who drives in Ga - and Atlanta. 3. How many lives will be lost because of auto-issued, non-tested drivers being awarded a Ga DL who can't read or understand English road signs? Lastly, follow up with a promise to  track incidents of highway deaths and to remember in November 2014 - ASK: Is this is what we get for electing a Republican constitutional majority in conservative Georgia?"


Language from the bill: 


13 "(c) The commissioner is authorized to negotiate and enter into an agreement with a

14 foreign country that exempts the citizens of such foreign country from the knowledge test

15 and the on-the-road driving test required in Code Section 40-5-27 so long as the citizen

16 holds a valid driver's license of an equivalent class issued by such foreign country;

17 provided, however, that no such agreement shall be entered into unless the foreign country

18 offers the same reciprocity to persons holding a valid driver's license of an equivalent class

19 issued by the State of Georgia.


Thank you,

North Fulton and Friends Tea Party