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Senator Cruz: ObamaCare must go

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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March 14, 2013



Senator Ted Cruz, a newly established maverick in the United States Senate, has introduced an amendment to a continuing resolution bill (CR) that would defund ObamaCare! The CR is a must-pass bill to keep the government funded after the end of this month.  

In adding the amendment, Senator Cruz drew a line in the sand for President Obama…
“Ask if Harry Reid and President Obama are willing to try to shut the government down in order to insist that Obamacare be fully funded now, even though it could well push us into a recession.”  
On the House side of Congress, Representative Paul Ryan has offered a fiscal proposal that balances the U.S. budget in 10 years – but only if ObamaCare is defunded.  
Although it’s highly unlikely that either proposal will make it to the President for signature, we commend both of these elected officials for taking a highly principled stand against the devastating government take-over of our medical system which is called “ObamaCare.”  
In doing so, these Members of Congress are correctly taking the position that the continued implementation of ObamaCare could bankrupt our nation. There is now irrefutable evidence of the economic disaster and government overregulation that was buried in the so-called “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”
++Seniors beware: Medicare Advantage cuts proposed.
This week, the Obama administration proposed cuts to the Medicare Advantage program that will reduce the benefits and increase the cost to participants – or cause the total collapse of the program.  
The cuts would be enacted in 2014, the start of the full implementation of ObamaCare. 
Senator Marco Rubio wrote this about the proposed cuts… 
“…it translates into lower funding to support the health benefits of the 14 million Medicare beneficiaries who are currently enrolled in MA [Medicare Advantage] plans.” 
Because of ObamaCare, Medicare is being gutted! 
As I’ve mentioned before, the Doctor Patient Medical Association reported that since the passage of ObamaCare…
  • Forty-nine percent of physicians say they'll stop accepting Medicaid patients. 
  • Seventy-four percent of physicians warn they will stop taking Medicare patients or leave Medicare completely. 
An expected shortage of 160,000 doctors is predicted by 2025.
Liberty Counsel believes our seniors deserve better than the healthcare reforms imposed by ObamaCare!  
Our world-class healthcare system is in a downward spiral – and ObamaCare is the principal cause. 
I firmly believe that Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare has a good chance of ridding our nation of this unconstitutional, immoral, and fiscally unsound law. 


Patrick, Liberty Counsel’s legal challenge is the most comprehensive case pending in the country – and the most financially challenging case we have ever undertaken.   
Could you make a special gift today to help us deal with the high cost of fighting ObamaCare while continuing our other litigation efforts?  
Every gift helps Liberty Counsel stand in defense of life, liberty, and family – and helps end the immoral, anti-life, anti-religious mandates of ObamaCare:
As always, my team and I are humbled that we have such a strong foundation of support among thoughtful patriots like you! 
THANK YOU for continuing to be a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!  God bless you! 
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. I highly commend Senators Cruz and Rubio, and Congressman Paul Ryan for their valiant efforts to defund ObamaCare.  Every possible effort should be made to stop ObamaCare dead in its tracks! 
But for now, I believe our lawsuit is the nation’s most likely path to success.  Click here to support our lawsuit and other legal efforts:
Tell your friends, family, church groups, and Bible study… anyone who is concerned with the welfare of our nation.  The “share” tools for adding our messages to your social networks are also included.  
More information on our case against ObamaCare can also be found at


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776