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John Kaminski/Darkmoon

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March 9, 2013

Edited and presented with pictures, captions and inserted comments by Lasha Darkmoon. 




U G L Y    E M P I R E

“The people of North America and Europe now accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives which is almost without precedent in the history of Western civilization. Most of us have become so inured, that the death of millions from starvation and disease draws from us no more than a sigh, or a murmur of protest. Our own city streets, home to legions of the homeless, are ruled by Dope Inc., the largest industry in the world, and on those streets Americans now murder each other at a rate not seen since the Dark Ages.”

— Michael Minnicino, The New Dark Age

It seems too late to reverse course now. We get up each morning and tell ourselves nothing has changed, go to work, and get lost in the details of the day. Of course it’s a lie. Because everything has changed.

Russian troops wearing US uniforms patrol the highways in Tennessee. Much of the Arctic Ocean is open water in the dead of winter. The president can kill anyone he wants to at any time in any place.

Our lives are not the same as we remember them in our dreams. Righteous writers construct plans to fix the problems. Then, if you’re old enough, you remember that once something goes away, it’s gone, never to return. Extinction is forever. There is never any going back, only forward.

“Forward” today looks like FEMA camps for political dissidents. Anyone with a still functioning brain is a dissident these days.

“Forward” today looks like certain cancer, if not from the food you eat, then from the medicine they prescribe for you and the very air you breathe.

At the same time, a thousand smaller horrors are so commonplace as to go unnoticed. Our children spend as much time sitting in front of television sets as they do in school, watching with glee, scenes of torture and death which might have shocked an audience in the Roman Coliseum.”

—  Michael Minnicino, The New Dark Age

It seems we had a chance to fix things. For years we thought we were in control of our own lives. But perhaps we never were in control. In any case, we are no longer in control.

People who raise profound objections to the status quo simply disappear. They are  never seen again. The lucky ones only lose their jobs — and their ability to feed their families.

How this all came to pass is no mystery. Everyone is still doing the same thing today that got us into this mess in the first place. The things we rated as important kept us from perceiving what was actually happening. In many cases, made dizzy by addictions that we told ourselves were merely personal preferences, entertainment, gluttony, and recreational sex became our top priorities.

Freedom sunk to the bottom of the list, below even housework, not to mention honor and dignity and duty.

So when you contemplate how most of society—at least in pampered, deluded America—acts today, you realize that while everything has changed politically,  freedom to say and do what you want now incurs profound penalties.

The behavioral characteristics of most Americans have not changed one little bit.

Rather than doing things for themselves, Americans want everything done for them. And the government has been only too happy to oblige.

Which is why it’s too late to reverse course.

Dependent as we have become on government systems, we no longer have the ability to fend for ourselves, never mind survive in the wild when the supermarkets are closed for good.

The past, in which we at least thought our choices were free and unencumbered, is long gone. And the present is terminally ominous.

You see it in the opposition to these terrible trends. “Oh, I’ll make it to the protest if my entertainment needs don’t get in the way…” People’s preferences toward trivia, to which they have become so addicted, have taken precedence over the very systems that help to keep them alive.

Among the very few who have broken through the layers of deception and identified the chief culprits in the increasing robotization of the world, even those few prefer trivia over substance. This is what they have been taught is important. Reinforced in their delusions by the attitudes of their peers, they are unable  to see the larger picture. Their myopia costs them their lives.

Lately this has been illustrated by the incessant infighting among people who have the same objective. They allow their trivial differences to get in the way of achieving their common purpose. It is a classic case of style over substance. The world is thus convulsed in disorder, roiled in chaos.

I’m not talking about the brain dead idiots who still think Muslims did  9/11. Or who believe that it’s okay to consume the poisoned swill doled out at fast food joints. I’m not even talking of the superficial dolts who think that petitioning their corrupt legislators will somehow slow down our downward slide into societal extinction.

No, I’m talking about the ones who have a clear picture of who the real criminals  are: these designers of our misery who laugh at their poisoned victims as they steal the last dollars of the poor: the helpless widows and widowers, the distraught pensioners, the homeless ones huddled under bridges, the endless legions of the dispossessed . . . and those who throw themselves from high windows after mortgage foreclosures and the confiscation of their life savings by Jewish bankers.


“. . . Music is everywhere, almost unavoidable—but it does not uplift, nor even tranquilize—it claws at the ears, sometimes spitting out an obscenity. Our plastic arts are ugly, our architecture is ugly, our clothes are ugly. There have certainly been periods in history where mankind has lived through similar kinds of brutishness, but our time is crucially different. Our post-World War II era is the first in history in which these horrors are completely avoidable. Our time is the first to have the technology and resources to feed, house, educate, and humanely employ every person on earth, no matter what the growth of population. Yet, when shown the ideas and proven technologies that can solve the most horrendous problems, most people retreat into implacable passivity. We have become not only ugly, but impotent.”

—  Michael Minnicino, The New Dark Age

How anyone in these toxic times can fail to see the Jewish fingerprints over all these atrocities is beyond me: the theft of trillions of dollars from mostly-now-unemployed Americans to fund wars that benefit no one but the very rich, the worthless drugs prescribed by pill-pushing doctors, the bogus curricula designed by cynical educators, the perverse proclivities of lawyers who work for each other instead of their clients.

To see all these things and refuse to see the obvious—the hidden hand of Big Jewry stirring the witch’s cauldron and frothing the deadly brew—is beyond human understanding. I am baffled and perplexed. Truly, I am poleaxed.

This disease of cutthroat selfishness extends even to some of the brightest critics who see the problems, can diagnose them accurately, yet let themselves be derailed from courses of effective action by their stupid and delusional belief systems.

These schisms prevent the emergence of an effective opposition to this sinister kosher force that is—no exaggeration—methodically exterminating all natural life on this planet and replacing it with synthetic, counterfeit versions of the same items.

The bare facts are as follows: the Jews promised, in their Holy Book, the Talmud, to kill or enslave everyone in the world who is not Jewish. This is not just some quaint ethnic ritual performed only on the Sabbath or at obscure social functions. It is not an allegory or figure of speech. It is genuine. It is for real. It is a philosophy of distilled hatred. It is, quite literally, planning our collective death.

Nearly three thousand years of this very same antisocial  behavior—based on the principle “The goyim are cattle and deserve to be killed”—has been prevented from leaking into your consciousness. This is because the Jews, for at least the past two hundred years, have owned or controlled most of the world’s media. They decide what is allowed into your minds.

Failure to see all this has made most of us unwitting accomplices in the destruction the Jews have wreaked on ordinary people in every country they have infected with their uncontrolled rapacity.

The total annihilation we now face, the destruction of the environment which now has reputable scientists predicting the end of all life on this planet within the foreseeable future—all this we must place at the door of the traditional Enemy of Mankind. They are to blame. And we are to blame for letting them lead us to the edge of the abys.

The answer to these impending catastrophes is not to try to counteract them by quibbling on the finer points of theology, but to put aside our differences and confront the common enemy of the human race. With all the force we can muster, we must do this. Not for our own sakes alone, but on behalf of our children.

Will we do it?  History says we won’t.

In which case, the future of humanity will be ruled by these conscienceless robots who have no idea of the meaning of beauty: of the higher virtues and the nobler aspirations  that make life worthwhile and elevate us above the level of mere beasts.

This is America under Jewish domination . . . and it’s going to get worse . . . 

How “great” is America now that it has become a Jewish slave colony? If you want to know the answer to this question, click HERE

This 3-minute video will shatter all your illusions…

John Kaminski  (email him) is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.