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Defeat The Latest Internet Power Grab

James Wilson Policy Research Director DownsizeDC.or

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March 7, 2013

Quote of the Day: "In a state where corruption abounds, laws must be very numerous." - Tacitus

You defeated the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act" (CISPA) last year.

We fought it because CISPA trashes privacy and due process in the name of national security. It's a bald power grab by The State.

But CISPA was reintroduced last month.

Let's kill it again. Tell Congress to oppose CISPA using's "Hands Off the Internet" campaign.

The hardwired message says...

"As a constituent, I insist that you oppose any attempts to undermine Internet freedom."

I added these personal comments, which you may borrow from or copy...

Oppose CISPA (H.R. 624).

This bill encourages companies to share my private information with federal agencies like the NSA. Even if...

* the data has no relevance to cybersecurity.

* it violates privacy agreements between me and my providers.


* we have no real way of knowing if and when our private data is collected and shared.

* these companies are given immunity from civil lawsuits or criminal prosecution.

I think it's wrong to deputize private business to spy on the people -- even more wrong to deny us recourse. However...

I also want to make it clear that any version of CISPA that devises a centralized approach to cybersecurity must be rejected.

All centralized strategies are vulnerable. We will be much better protected if each company deploys its own diversified security measures. Then, would-be attackers can't focus to defeat a single approach.

Oppose CISPA. The demagoguing and nefarious ways in which you've stolen my liberties, since 9/11, convince me that I have more to fear from you than I do from puny terrorists. You must cease this criminality or it will become necessary to erect new forms of government.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

You can support the Educate the Powerful System. Monthly pledgers are especially needed, right now. New or increased pledges will be matched by board member, Dan Fylstra. Please visit our secure contribution form.

You can magnify your voice. Please, share this message with friends who value their privacy and who oppose special privileges for corporations. Share it also with friends who want to keep the Internet free of intrusion by The State.

James Wilson

Policy Research Director