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They Just Don't Get It, Do They?

Rep. Diane Russell

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March 5, 2013

When I first ran for office, I was a cashier at the neighborhood convenience store in Portland, Maine.  I know what it's like to wonder how I'm going to make it until the next paycheck ~ and I still work there one night.

If I don’t show up for work and do my job, I don’t get paid. So why should Congress?

Congress still just doesn't seem to get that it's ludicrous to collect a $174,000/year paycheck while letting our economy falter for the rest of us. Since I launched this petition just a few short days ago, nearly 350,000 people across the country have stood with me.

It is precisely why I was so excited to learn that  Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth is taking a voluntary pay cut during Sequestration. Let's show her we have her back.

Can you sign the petition thanking Tammy for her leadership?!   

Let’s also get this petition to 500,000 and send a strong, collective message to Congress to get back to work! Can you email this to at least five of your friends? And, for social media folks, can you share the following with your friends?



@tammyduckworth TX for #sequestration pay cut pledge! It’s time the #USCongress does too! @MissWrite @SignOn


Thanks to Rep. Tammy Duckworth for taking a pay cut like the rest of us during #Sequestration! Sign the petition to ask the rest of Congress to do so, too!

Thank you for all you do - and for the encouragement you've given me. Together, we can fight the special interests and put our country back on track.


~ Maine State Rep. Diane Russell

Portland, Maine

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P.S. I’m not in Congress, but I introduced a bill in the Maine State Legislature yesterday that would cut our paychecks if we let partisanship shut the state government down. Read the article here!