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Schools don't want your kids to hear THIS ...


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March 7, 2013

What in the world is going on with public schools these days?

They obviously have a major problem with freedom-loving, pro-God, pro-Constitution messages, especially that of rock musician Bradlee Dean.

In case you haven't heard, I want to make sure you know the latest.

The principal of Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, Fla., recently kicked Bradlee off campus with no notice, despite the fact the popular Christian speaker and musician had been invited to speak there by the school's own student group, the American Club.


Not only that, the event had been pre-approved by the school administration, posters were hung three weeks in advance, and morning announcements had trumpeted the presentation for a week.

Just check out this astonishing video if you want to see how ludicrous the situation became:

Watch it here on YouTube.

The story was covered in-depth by WND, Talking Points Memo, Patriot Update and others, so people are now paying close attention.

Despite the school's silly shenanigans, your personal help is already making a difference in help bringing the light to the Sunshine State. Thousands of students every day are having their rights violated by public schools. This works hand in glove with the Obama administration and its war against We the people. This also explains why this administration strives so hard to amass for himself an army of youth.

Thankfully, the powerful legal group Liberty Counsel is now on the case, providing the expertise (as well as muscle) to remind those in charge that students don't relinquish their First Amendment rights when they step onto a campus.

Click here to support Bradlee Dean.

Liberty Counsel says it's now waiting on an official response from the Florida principal before it files legal action. It's reminiscent of the precedent set in Dunkerton, Iowa, when we won a similar battle there with the city. (

The legal help has inspired one 16-year-old student leader to stand up against the bullying powers-that-be. Imagine how many other teens there are right now in public school who need this reassurance and support. These kids need to know someone is not only willing to talk about them, but will stand up for them as well.

You don't need me to tell you society is plummeting at a rapid rate and will continue its fatal plunge into depravity until we reach future generations and confront the diabolical wickedness head-on.

We truly need your support to continue the fight for our God-given, constitutional freedoms. We simply can't do it without your help, whether it's your time, prayers or especially financial support.

Time is a factor, and I'm urging you to donate now whatever you can.

As our way of thanking you, if you donate at least $100, we'll send you the much-sought-after "My War" DVD series, documenting Bradlee's ongoing battles with schools across America.

You'll witness firsthand some of the 331 high-school assembly programs done by Bradlee and his crew, and watch in disbelief as you see an agenda that attacks the truth, and people who will say or do just about anything to push an illegal agenda on the American people. But the outcome is very positive. The DVDs will leave you feeling empowered and emboldened to stand up and fight, just as David did against Goliath.

If you donate $25, we'll send you the "My War" comic book. It's a graphic novel that tells the life story of Bradlee Dean. From birth on up to adulthood, you'll be amazed to hear the awesome testimony of how God took this fatherless child and made him His. Read miracle after miracle of Christ's unfailing love in this colorful, fun-to-read account of his life.

Your support is desperately needed right now, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Click here to help our all-American ministry.

May God bless you,

Bradlee Dean