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International Day Against Police Brutality Goes Viral World Wide in 2013

JG Vibes

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March 7, 2013

According to Wikipedia The International Day Against Police Brutality occurs on March 15. It first began in 1997 as an initiative of the Montreal based Collective Opposed to Police Brutality and the Black Flag group in Switzerland.

Acceptance of March 15 as a focal day of peaceful resistance against police brutality varies from one place to another. In the United States, the October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation, a group mounted by the RCP, has succeeded in building support for October 22 (also known as O22) as National Anti Police Brutality Day since 1995.

Yet despite these varying days where this cause is observed, there is a stronger push than ever this year for a global day of peaceful resistance to police brutality this March 15

The government police monopoly has grown in brutality over the years, along with the size of the state and its ever-expanding list of laws that turn nonviolent people into targets for violence and extortion.

Every day we hear from different cities, states and countries, receiving pictures and videos of situations where nonviolent people are literally treated like animals by these state sanctioned thugs, in most cases on their on private property, or the private property of someone else who did not invite the police.

This has been happening across the world, especially in the European Union and North America.

One of the main problems with today’s legal system and police forces is the fact that there is no accountability or concern for those on the other side of “the law”, police can hurt anyone they want without any kind of consequences.

This problem, and many other problems with government agencies, is without a doubt a natural side effect of a coercive monopoly, which is why protection services should be decentralized.

Here is a good lecture where speaker and economist Robert Murphy discusses how the public safety might be provided in a free society: