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Sorry Rand, I was having dinner with Obama

John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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March 6, 2013

As I write you, Senator Rand Paul is leading a historic filibuster on the U.S. Senate floor.

He's protesting the Obama administration's outrageous claim it can use drones to kill American citizens on American soil without any due process or oversight!

Won't you please sign your Stand With Rand petition to the U.S. Senate IMMEDIATELY?

Time and again Senator Paul has called for reinforcements. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Jerry Moran (R-KS) have come to the floor in support

But eleven establishment Republican United States Senators couldn't be there to support Rand Paul's filibuster. They're having dinner with President Obama.

According to news reports today, President Obama want to schmooze them into supporting new radical tax-and-spending schemes.

Apparently growing government is more important to these eleven Republicans than standing up for our remaining constitutional liberties - like ensuring our government can't assassinate our own citizens on American soil.

For some, like Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), this is no surprise.

During the fight over the NDAA - which included a provision saying American citizens could be thrown in prison for life without trial - Senator Graham stated "Shut up. You don't get a lawyer."

Now, you and I see clearly where this type of thinking leads.

An American president is claiming the authority to kill American citizens on American soil without so much as a trial!

And GOP Senators fritter away an evening with President Obama.

Patrick, the only good excuse for going to dinner with President Obama tonight instead of supporting Rand's filibuster is if they come back with a signed document saying the President has disavowed the killing of any American citizen without trial.

Instead you and I can guarantee they're trying to come up with yet another "deal" to spend even more of our tax dollars.

The establishment's days are numbered.

And as the years progress, they'll be remembered for nothing but their betrayal of those of us who support liberty and limited government.

There's a R3VOLUTION going on.

And it will not end until free markets, sound money, individual liberty, and constitutional principles are restored in America.

It's up to you and me to hasten that day.

Please sign your Stand With Rand petition IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can, please contribute just $10 or $20 to Campaign for Liberty TODAY.

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. While Senator Paul asks for reinforcements, eleven establishment Republican United States Senators went todinner with President Obama.

This is an outrage. Please help me turn up the heat on the U.s. Senate.

Please sign your Stand With Rand petition IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can, please contribute just $10 or $20 to Campaign for Liberty TODAY.