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The Lone Star Watchdog

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FW:  March 7, 2013

The truth is Obama is turning the office of the Presidency into a dictatorship. He is making threats if he does not get his way. The Chicago Style mafia in full view. There is nothing new seeing these threats coming out of the dictator to twist the arms of congress. Sooner or later this will blow back on the White House. The American people are tired of Obama’s threats if he does not get his way and congress caving in to his demands. No wonder congress has a very low approval rating.

When the US Government was about to shut down twice in Obama’s first term. President Obama said twice with threats saying Grandma would not get her social security check and the US Military will not be paid. National parks will close down. He has threatened if congress would not raise the debt ceiling in 2011 with the Treasury secretary talking doomsday scenarios with demagoguery . Both times congress got cold feet and caved into the President’s demands to borrow putting us deeper in debt.

He has made the threats not securing the border to get his immigration agenda through thinking he can make people in the border states cry uncle giving in just to stop the mass flood of illegal aliens coming across the border. This is an act of war against the People trying to coerce the people into submitting to his agenda. Sounds like a dictator to me.

This sequestration boondoggle. This not about mandatory budget cuts. This is about the White House grabbing more power. In Washington logic, a cut in spending is reducing the rate of growth in increased spending. He made the statement if congress does not act to pass gun control, tax increases and carbon taxes. He said he will bypass the congress and do it by the executive pen.

Now he has made good on a new threat releasing violent illegal aliens from detention centers saying the budget cuts will not be able to fund keeping these people incarcerated. Homeland Security Secretary said terror attacks will happen if her budget is cut. DHS will get a reduction in the increased rate of spending. There is no cut in spending. Is this financial terrorism or a terroristic threat to the American people either be attacked or give in? The DHS is bluffing is sequestration to trick the American people to cave in to the White House’s demands. It seems that way with me.

Now I am wondering what threats is the White House making with 20 State governors who would not go along with Obamacare after the US Supreme Court ruling favoring of Obamacare.. Florida Governor Rick Scott caved in with a handful of other states who took a bold stance now flip flopped. I am hoping Gov Rick Perry does not get weak knees to the pressure and does an one eighty. Is the White House threatening using PD-51 and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act threatening invasion of the State capitals if they resist? When Gov. Rick Perry Mentioned the word secession in a speech. The National Guard was put on alert to invade if he really seceded.

The we have the justice department making threats on the Texas State Senate floor in 2011 making threats if the Anti TSA bill passed the Texas legislature. The DOJ threatened that Texas will be a no fly zone with air force planes shooting down commercial jets over the State’s airspace.

How long will we tolerate Obama’s threats using executive orders if he does not get his way with congress. Caving in and going along is more dangerous than drawing a line in the sand. With compromise and going along to get along with the Chicago mob dictator has only emboldened him grab power he does not have. Has Congress, the governors and state legislature learned if they give him an inch, he will take a mile every time. Blackmail or threats or not. It is better to stand up against this thug in the oval office than allow him to walk all over the people. It’s time for once these politicians does something right for a change.

It is time to call Obama’s bluff when he makes a threat. Are you tired of Congress, the states caving in? Let Obama try to carry out his threats. The best way to take down a dictator is make him act like a tyrant. Texas should have called his bluff in 2011 when they threatened Texas be a no fly zone unless the TSA can grope airline passengers. Texas would have had the support of the people, not Obama. It is time we call Obama’s bluff.
