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ObamaCare: More costly than anyone imagined!

Liberty Counsel Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

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March 1, 2013


From the onset of ObamaCare, many economic experts have dismissed the numbers used by the Obama administration in getting the law passed and in estimating its cost.   

Informed critics have called it gimmick accounting, sleight of hand, and a budget-busting disaster. As dire as the critics’ predictions were, the reality of ObamaCare’s cost as it continues in its implementation phase have become truly chilling!  Please see my important message below – Mat.

The more we find out what’s in ObamaCare, the scarier it gets.  

Senator Jeff Sessions, the Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, recently announced the results of a Government Accounting Office (GAO) report that revealed that Obama Care will add $6.2 trillion to the federal deficit over 75 years.

Senator Sessions announced to the Senate Budget Committee on Tuesday that the report…

“...dramatically proves that the promises made assuring the nation that the largest new entitlement program in history would not add one dime to the deficit were false.”

The GAO report says that ObamaCare will add an average of $82.7 billion per year to the national debt!  

If you recall, President Obama promised that he would not sign into law any reform that cost taxpayers one additional dime. He too employed gimmick accounting by passing costs on to the states and manipulating Medicare monies.

Mr. President, $6.2 trillion is a whole lot of dimes!     

Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) wrote…


“It's really far past time for us to call ObamaCare what it truly is: an unprecedented government overreach into every American's life, forcing higher costs on individuals, practitioners, employers and state governments in lieu of actually fixing our health care system.

We need to concentrate our resources on developing a plan that will provide a safety net for the most vulnerable, while being an effective and efficient use of taxpayer money. The alternative in place – adding more people to an already sinking ship paid for either by borrowing from China or by raiding taxpayers' pockets – is simply bad policy.”

++Another BIG lie exposed: Pre-existing conditions uncovered.

Earlier this month, we learned that the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) will stop taking new applications due to budget constraints. This is the plan that helps people with medical problems that can't get private insurance.  

This was one of ObamaCare’s most highly touted benefits – and now the Obama administration says that part of the plan is running out of money!  

ObamaCare is truly a ticking time bomb – and when it goes off, our nation’s health care system will be all but demolished.  The restoration process we are approaching is going to be astronomically painful!  

++ObamaCare can still be stopped – Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare is alive and well!

We filed our extensive brief to the Fourth Circuit Court of appeals in Richmond, VA, on Wednesday. I will present oral argument there during the week of May 14-17, 2013.

Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit challenges (1) the employer mandate for all employers; (2) the abortion mandate for religious employers; (3) the abortion mandate for individuals; and (4) the entire law because tax bills must originate in the House and ObamaCare originated in the Senate.

This case is the only one in the country that challenges the entire employer mandate for all employers.

ObamaCare represents a frontal attack to religious freedom. ObamaCare is a train about to collide with the fundamental right to free exercise of religion.

Not only does ObamaCare violate the rights of religious employers because of its abortion mandate, it violates the rights of individuals who oppose abortion and the rights of all employers, religious or not.

Our lawsuit is at the forefront of the court battle against ObamaCare! As a friend of Liberty Counsel and signer of our all-new Amici book, you know how important this lawsuit is to us – and to the entire nation.

Please consider helping us by going an extra mile to support our intense efforts to rid our nation of this scourge…

Could you make a special gift today to help us deal with the high cost of fighting ObamaCare while continuing our other litigation efforts?  

Please, click here to make a special gift. Every gift helps Liberty Counsel stand in defense of life, liberty and family – and to help end the immoral, anti-life, anti-religious mandates of ObamaCare:

As always, my team and I are humbled that we have such a strong foundation of support among thoughtful patriots like you!

THANK YOU for continuing to be a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!  God bless you!


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. Please mark these dates on your prayer calendar:  May 14-17, 2013 – the dates of my oral argument at the Fourth Circuit. Tell your friends, family, church groups, and Bible study – anyone who is concerned with the welfare of our nation. The “share” tools for adding our messages to your social networks are also included.  

Click her to invest a special gift in Liberty Counsel’s mission today:

More information on our case against ObamaCare can be found at


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776