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Tell Florida Legislature to Stop Gun Control and Support the 2nd Amendment in Florida

Spence Rogers

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Feb. 20, 2013

Dear sir/madam,


There is a very important fight going on in the Florida Legislature.  There are five very anti-2nd Amendment bills filed this legislative session and it is imperative that we stop them.  It is also important for the Florida Legislature to stand up for the 2nd Amendment by passing a bill that protects us from any Federal overreach.  Please sign the petition below so we can tell the Florida Legislature we need them to act now to fight for the 2nd Amendment.


Click here to sign the petition



Spence Rogers


County Coordinator

Hillsborough Campaign for Liberty


2209 Collier Pkwy #121, Land O Lakes, FL 34639


*****Florida Campaign for Liberty is a 501(c)4 lobbying organization which neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office and claims no responsibility for the actions of individuals or groups of individuals who use the Campaign for Liberty logo or name or who may claim to act as representatives of the Campaign for Liberty without prior written consent of the Florida Campaign for Liberty. Because of Florida Campaign for Liberty’s tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501 (C) (4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as a business deduction (IRC § 162(e)(1)).*****