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Petition Delivery to Speaker John Boehner's Office this Thursday, 11:00AM

Sheila M. Thomas - Sign On

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Hello Everyone,

First, I would like to thank each of you for reading and signing my petition. The support has been overwhelming. As many of you are aware, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was enacted in 1994 and must be reevaluated and reauthorized by Congress every five years. This reauthorization includes several new provisions that have been the sources of criticisms and push-backs amongst Republican Congress members; specifically, provisions protecting women on Tribal Land, LGBT victims; and undocumented, immigrant victims. Clearly, the reauthorization of this Act is crucial for victims as well as their families. Unfortunately, its reauthorization remains tangled amidst politics—this should not be.

We have momentum! This bill has already passed in the Senate and with your help, we can urge the House to vote on it, too.

On Thursday, February, 21, 11:00AM, I will be delivering a copy of this petition to House Speaker John Boehner’s Miami County Office and asking him to support this bill. MoveOn has agreed to help invite the media to the event, so it is crucial that we have a good turn out! Can you please join me?

Representative John Boehner's Miami County Office

Thursday, February 21, 11:00AM

Meet at 12 South Plum Street

Troy, OH 45373

The VAWA is not about politics, gender, race and nationality, or orientation—it’s about equal access to justice for all victims of violent crimes regardless of these. Currently, House Speaker Boehner and other Republican members of the House are delaying action on passing this piece of legislation which ensures that local communities and law enforcement agencies receive all of the funds they need to help victims and their families and extend provisions that provide equal access to justice for Tribal women, members of the LGBT community, and immigrants.

In reflection, the paths to the Nineteenth Amendment were hard-fought battles won through bravery and perseverance; therefore, I do not take my right to vote lightly. In 2013 and 2014, members of Congress will ask each of you in your respective states to use your vote to return them to Washington D.C.—many of them will be the same members who delayed the Act’s reauthorization based on issues of politics—and sadly, even issues of race and nationality as well as sexual orientation. What transcends whether you and I vote Democrat or Republican, at this point, it is whether we should return to Washington these individuals who are failing to represent their constituencies on such a life-altering issue as violent crime.

I hope you will join me in supporting the reauthorization--this crucial piece of legislation. I would love to meet each of you on Thursday. Please let me know if you can join me on Thursday by replying to this email.
