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The ticking time bomb called ObamaCare

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Ffeb. 19, 2013



ObamaCare is a ticking time bomb. Twenty-six states have ignored the Obama administration’s deadline for setting up healthcare “exchanges.”  ObamaCare’s Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan has ceased accepting new applications, citing financial concerns.


There are, right now, dozens of lawsuits in the lower courts against the contraception and abortifacient mandates of ObamaCare, all filed by organizations opposed to the law’s immoral mandates. At the forefront of the court battle against ObamaCare is our lawsuit.  On February 27, Liberty Counsel is due to file our extensive brief to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. 
We may well be witnessing the beginning of the end of ObamaCare!  Please see my important update below – Mat.


The cynically misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) isn’t moving forward the way the Obama administration and the Obama/Reid/Pelosi axis of power hoped when they ramrodded it into law. 


In the most recent developments, twenty-six states have opted out of the healthcare “exchanges” which the federal government imposed on the states to keep the initial cost of ObamaCare under $1 trillion. 


We now know those figures were grossly understated in the first place.  They bore little relationship with the reality we are experiencing in ObamaCare’s implementation phase.


And with a large number of states taking a pass at the exchanges,  that means that the federal government will be running exchanges in many of the nation’s states!


++Another BIG lie exposed: Pre-existing conditions.


Rush Limbaugh recently exposed another aspect of the “ObamaCare time bomb” when he unveiled a little-known but disturbing trend that has been developing.  His broadcast said…


“Saturday of the Presidents’ Day weekend, when Obama was playing golf, it’s reported [by AP]: ‘Obama Administration Winds Down Plan for Uninsurables.’ 
Here’s the story: ‘Citing financial concerns… the [regime] has begun quietly winding down one of the earliest programs created by the President’s health care overhaul, a plan that helps people with medical problems who can't get private insurance.”

This was one of ObamaCare’s most highly touted benefits – and now the Obama administration says that part of the plan is running out of money!  


ObamaCare is truly a ticking time bomb – and when it goes off, our nation’s health care system will be all but demolished.  The  restoration process we are approaching is going to be astronomically painful! 


As a friend of Liberty Counsel and signer of our all-new Amici book, you know how important this lawsuit is to us – and to the entire nation.


Please consider helping us by going an extra mile to support our intense efforts to rid our nation of this scourge…


Could you make a special gift today to help us in the high cost of fighting ObamaCare while continuing our other litigation efforts? 


Please, click here to make a special gift. Every gift helps Liberty Counsel stand in defense of life, liberty and family – and to help end the immoral, anti-life, anti-religious mandates of ObamaCare:


As always, my team and I are humbled that we have such a strong foundation of support among thoughtful patriots like you!


THANK YOU for continuing to be a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!  God bless you!


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. ObamaCare is a ticking time bomb – and when it goes off, our nation’s health care system will be decimated. 


Please mark these dates on your prayer calendar: February 27 and May 14-17, 2013. Let me know you are praying for the success of our case against this outrageous healthcare “reform” bill by signing the Amici Book!  Tell your friends, family, church groups, Bible study… anyone who is concerned with the welfare of our nation. The “share” tools for adding our messages to your social networks are also included. 


Click here to give a special gift to Liberty Counsel’s mission today:


More information on our case against ObamaCare can also be found at


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776