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TSA Mission Creep

Tim Shoemaker

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Feb. 16, 2013

Have you heard?

About the TSA, I mean.

You'd think the TSA realized its screening policies violated Americans' civil liberties and begged forgiveness for violating our dignity...

At least based off the headlines and self-congratulatory statements from politicians I saw earlier this year.

I'm referring to the stories about TSA ending its contract with Rapiscan to use its "backscatter" nudie scanners.

The headlines led many to believe ALL the scanners would be gone.

Wouldn't that be nice?

In reality, the truth is much less straight forward.

Most of the press got this one wrong. Way wrong...

While the TSA ended its much publicized contract with Rapiscan, they still have contracts with three separate companies (L-3, Smiths Group Plc, and American Science & Engineering Inc.).

Rapiscan was unable to comply with a Congressional mandate requiring the scanners to have a "privacy filter."

In other words, there will still be potentially harmful backscatter and millimeter wave scanners in our nation's airports - only with "privacy filters."

That's comforting...

Only 250 machines are leaving our airports, and while they may just end up collecting dust in a government warehouse, the TSA says it is searching for a new home for the scanners with another government agency.

While this is a small step in the right direction, it's clear we have a long way yet to go.

That's why it's more important than ever that we double-down our pressure on politicians to rein in the rogue agency.

For too long, you and I have been treated more like cattle than human beings for simply exercising our natural right to travel freely.

I refuse to trade my dignity for any fleeting promise of "security."

And I hope you feel the same way.

Last Congress, Campaign for Liberty worked with Senator Rand Paul to create a plan to End the TSA!

We intend to do so again, but you and I must help Senator Paul show there is overwhelming support for such a heavy undertaking.

You can pledge to stand with Senator Rand Paul and C4L to End the TSA by signing your Statement of Support today!

Taking on the most visible aspect of America's national security state is not going to be easy.

You and I know the TSA operates retroactively in response to yesterday's terrorists, but many Americans fail to see the TSA for what it is - tens of billions worth of "security theater."

Furthermore, there is a lot to address about this agency beyond its demeaning screening procedures.

TSA employees officially unionized last year under the American Federation of Government Employees Union, a national affiliate of the AFL-CIO.

This means it will be that much harder to fire that disgusting screener who seemed to enjoy your "enhanced pat-down" a little too much.

And as if that weren't enough, there's the "mission creep" aspect.

Campaign for Liberty has long warned about the TSA's plans for expanding far beyond our airports.

Unfortunately, it's already happening, and at a frighteningly fast pace.

You see, here in Washington, D.C., it's not uncommon to run into TSA bag-checkers on the Metro (that's our "subway" to those of you outside D.C.).

TSA VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) teams have been deployed to train stations and highways.

And that's not even the worst of it.

Inexplicably, Transportation Security Officers were present at both the Republican and Democrat National Conventions.

A bit removed from their "transportation security" mandate, no?

For these, and many more reasons space prevents me from expounding on, it should be a high priority for Americans to seek to End the TSA!

It offends our decency, our dignity, and our self-respect.

Any agency that is so blatantly committed to infringing on our natural and constitutionally protected rights simply must be abolished.

I hope you'll sign your Statement of Support to show you will stand with Senator Rand Paul and C4L to End the TSA!

After you've signed your Statement, please share this letter with your contacts to let them know about our efforts.

A task this monumental will require much heavy-lifting from the grassroots.

Will you stand with us?

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker

Director of Legislation

P.S. The TSA was in the news again recently. This time, the headlines made it appear we'd won a huge victory! Unfortunately that was far from the truth.

The TSA remains a grave threat to our civil liberties, as "mission creep" sets in, and they expand far beyond our airports.

Will you join C4L and Senator Paul in working to End the TSA?