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Keep Frankenfish Out of Our Food Chain

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Feb. 13, 2013

The FDA is moving toward approving genetically-engineered fish for human consumption. Please help us ensure our native fish populations are protected! Take Action Today!

What do you think would happen if our precious and vulnerable native salmon came face-to-face with fast-growing, genetically-engineered salmon? Not sure? Unfortunately, you’re not the only one.

During the holidays, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) took a controversial step toward approving the first-ever genetically-engineered fish made for human consumption. These fish are the spawn of a company called AquaBounty Technologies and are engineered in foreign laboratories to grow twice as fast as natural Atlantic salmon.

And if that’s not scary enough, the FDA isn’t planning on thoroughly studying all the environmental risks presented by these Frankenfish before giving the green light to AquaBounty. This means these Frankenfish will be produced on a commercial scale before anyone knows what damaging impacts they may have if they invade our most sensitive natural marine environments. The FDA wants to be able to save these crucial questions for a later time, but we think the questions need to need to be answered now, before it’s too late.

If you agree, join us in calling on the FDA to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the full range of potential environmental impacts of these genetically-engineered fish.

We have until April 26, 2013 to submit comments. Please help us ensure our native fish populations are protected!

Thank you,

Raviya Ismail

Eastern Press Secretary
