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Call For Emergency Patriot Support

Adam M. Gottlieb

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Feb. 11, 2013

URGENT: Obama has officially launched his attack against guns. It is imperative we collect as many resources as possible to brace for this fight that could last well into this year. We will need funds to fight this attack on the Second Amendment in Washington, DC and in every State House that proposes anti-gun legislation. WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW!

SELECT HERE & Make a much-needed EMERGENCY donation to SAF today.

Your generosity is much appreciated.

Obama has deliberately missed the target with his proposed gun control scheme, announced January 16th at the White House, because it is now clear he wants to demonize law-abiding gun owners for the actions of criminals and madmen.

Suddenly Mr. Obama wants to get more criminal and mental health records into the NICS background check data base and get a permanent director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, where has he been for the last four years?

These proposals have been suggested in the past and supported by the firearms community, but they have repeatedly fallen on deaf ears. But now, as he exploits the Sandy Hook school tragedy, these items are high on his anti-gun agenda.

The measures being proposed by the president will not prevent a repeat of the Sandy Hook tragedy, and he knows it.

SELECT HERE & Make a much-needed EMERGENCY donation to SAF today.

Your generosity is much appreciated.

I urgently need your help today. I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE ANTI-GUNNERS MORE DETERMINED TO DESTROY THE SECOND AMENDMENT. We hardly have time to write this email. So busy making calls writing letters and sending emails to find funding as we battle this unbelievable assault on the Second Amendment.

SAF is facing severe financial cash shortage and will not be able to continue to respond to anti-gunners without your immediate help.

SELECT HERE & Make a much-needed EMERGENCY donation to SAF today.

Your generosity is much appreciated.

We must pay several thousand dollars' worth of bills to maintain free grassroots meetings trainings and seminars.

With the Obama Administration's signing of these 23 Executive Actions against guns we are going to need to raise money in order to prepare for this battle.

Our Second Amendment has not been threatened in this way since it was created by our fore fathers. Our right to privacy has been compromised. It seems they are scheming to create a universal national gun registry through the medical field.

There is even an executive action that has no parameters set for the public to see as to which direction they may take it. They could highlight certain types of medicine, certain types of counseling, and even disorders you may have and tell you that you are no longer allowed to own a gun. Some Democratic Senators have even suggested if someone in your home has a mental illness YOU should not be allowed to own a gun.

We Must raise funds to pay attorneys hired for important gun rights lawsuits in Illinois, California and against Eric Holder to name a few. See current cases below:

I also need funds to pay bills for the National Gun Rights Policy Conference for gun rights activists that we co-sponsor.

SELECT HERE & Make a much-needed EMERGENCY donation to SAF today.

Your generosity is much appreciated.

Case Name


Plastino v. Koster

Challenge to Missouri ban on CCW by legal resident aliens.

Teixeira v. County of Alameda

Challenge to Alameda County gun shop permit requirements.

Churchill v. Harris

Challenge to CA policy of refusing to return firearms.

Jackson v. King

Challenge to NM law barring CCW permits for legal resident aliens.

Winbigler v. WCHA

Challenge to WCHA's ban on personally-owned firearms by residents based on 2nd Amendment

Ezell v. Chicago

Challenge to Chicago's gun range prohibition based on 1st and 2nd Amendment

Peruta v. San Diego

SAF and CalGuns have filed an amicus curiae brief in Peruta v. San Diego County

Richards v. Harris

Challenge to California "assault weapon" arrest

Moore v. Madigan

Challenge to Illinois ban on carrying guns For self-defense

Lane v. Holder

Challenge to ban on interstate handgun sales

Fletcher v. Haas

Challenge to Massachusetts gun ban for legal alien residents

Kwong v. Bloomberg

Challenge to New York City's excessive gun permit fees

Piszczatoski v. Maenza

(formerly Muller v. Maenza)

Challenge to New Jersey Officials permit denials

Schrader v. Holder

Challenge to misdemeanor gun rights denial

Nordyke v. King

Amicus brief filed in Nordyke case; argues for strict scrutiny

Woolard v. Sheridan

Maryland handgun permit denial

Kachalsky v. Cacace

Challenge to New York's "good cause" carry permit requirement

Bateman v. Purdue

SAF Sues to Overturn North Carolina's 'Emergency Powers' Gun Bans

Palmer v. DC

SAF Sues District of Columbia over Carrying of Handguns

Richards v. Prieto (formerly Sykes v. McGinness)

SAF Challenges Arbitrary Denial of Right to Bear Arms in California

Pena v. Cid

SAF Challenges California Handgun Ban Scheme

Hodgkins v. Holder

SAF Sues Eric Holder Over Gun Rights of Non-resident American Citizens

Hanson v. DC

DC Handgun Roster Lawsuit: SAF Challenges D.C. Handgun Ban Scheme

SELECT HERE & Make a much-needed EMERGENCY donation to SAF today.

Your generosity is much appreciated.

Financial needs could not have come at a worse time. We must not run out of funds during the middle of this fight. There is no way we could have budgeted for all this.

Never before have I been so worried. If we don't get funding ASAP don't know how long we can hold on. Will you please help me?

Obama has turned his presidential campaign into a non-profit organization to lead the fight to take away your gun rights. Anti-Gun groups have deep pockets and big donors contributing. We rely on the backbone of America which is great patriots like you.

Even worse...Sarah Brady Group and the Gun Ban Coalition are using the Connecticut shooting to push for new national anti-gun laws.

The liberal anti-gun media wants blood, and it's ours.

SELECT HERE & Make a much-needed EMERGENCY donation to SAF today.

Your generosity is much appreciated.

Gun grabbers think that past gun control efforts have worn us down and hope you and I will quit fight to protect individual rights.

I am counting on you. I know times are tough for everyone but if you could please make a special emergency gift to SAF of $100 or $50.

Please make emergency gift immediately. Tomorrow is too late. I know I can count on you.

Times are tough but as things get tougher it's critical we have gun rights.

SELECT HERE & Make a much-needed EMERGENCY donation to SAF today.

Your generosity is much appreciated.

To continue educational and legal action projects we rely on people like you who care. Unlike gun grabbers we don't have deep pockets or big shot donors but we will never back down from them. Not with our Second Amendment in jeopardy.

Make Your SAF Contribution &

Get Two "American By Birth

Gun Owner By Choice" Stickers

With Your Donation

For more information about SAF go to

Thank you. Your support means a lot to me.

Sincerely yours,

Alan M. Gottlieb


Second Amendment Foundation

P.S. Remember, the anti-gunners are raising tens of thousands of dollars to steal this victory from us -- we need your support now to help stop them dead in their tracks!

To send a check, please mail to:

Second Amendment Foundation

James Madison Building

Dept Code 7426-n-ga

12500 NE 10th Place

Bellevue, WA 98005

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation's oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.