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Cyndi Steele Feb 2013 Update and David Hinkson message

Cindi Steele

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Feb. 5, 2013

Cyndi G. Steele

Advocate for Justice

P.O. Box 1255

Sagle, Idaho 83860


February 4, 2013


Supporters of Edgar J. Steele

Re: David R. Hinkson – Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Docket #: 12-35824

Dear Supporters of Ed:

Not only was my husband, Edgar J. Steele falsely accused of crimes he did not commit, but the government also made false accusations against David R. Hinkson, another innocent man. Our freedoms depend upon the honesty of our judges, who are ignoring the pleas of the innocent right now, and will not even read the briefs.

I am asking you to consider signing and sending the attached letter to Chief Judge Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, as a part of a mass effort to simply get him to do his job by reading David Hinkson’s Motion for Reconsideration.

Mr. Hinkson’s family has been a supporter of Ed from the beginning. They were some of the first to see the government fraud and were willing to publicly and privately stand with me in my battle for Ed’s freedom.

Ed is not doing well right now. He has what appears to be pneumonia, in addition to other health issues, and the prison will not allow him to see a doctor. He is suffering greatly and no one seems to be able to make the US Bureau of Prisons be accountable for his health. We are working on it and will keep you advised. Ed’s appeal to the Ninth Circuit has been fully briefed and will be set for oral argument this Spring. With Ed’s attorney, Robert McAllister criminally prosecuted during Ed’s trial by the same government that was after Ed, we are hopeful a new trial will be granted based on the Constitutional ineffectiveness of Ed’s attorney.

I am personally making this plea to help David Hinkson because, if those who believe in liberty and justice do not stand together and support one another, we surely will not be able to withstand the evil forces of government when they come to destroy the rest of us. For additional information on David Hinkson’s case, go to .

Please take a minute to read the proposed letter to Chief Judge Kozinski and seriously consider joining us who are standing up for justice (and let me know you sent it). Please mark the envelope: “Personal & Confidential.”

As always, your unconditional support of Ed is appreciated; indeed, I am very grateful for your help and assistance, prayers and suggestions, because I cannot do this alone.

Best regards,

Cyndi G. Steele



February 4, 2013

Chief Judge Kozinski

℅ Office of the Clerk

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

P.O. Box 193939

San Francisco, CA 94119-3939

(415) 355-8000


Re: Court of Appeals Docket #: 12-35824


Dear Judge Kozinski:


I have been following the case of David R. Hinkson, who, although actually innocent, was falsely accused by a man who perjured himself in court conning the jury into believing he was a combat hero. Subsequently, this liar was convicted of perjury, theft, forgery and theft of valor for defrauding the government out of hundreds of thousands of dollars by telling the very same lies to the VA.


I am shocked that judges Nguyen and Fisher of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to write a decision when denying Mr. Hinkson’s Petition for Certificate of Appealability (“COA”).


Recently, Mr. Hinkson filed a Motion for Reconsideration of that denial. Since it is obvious that neither Judge Nguyen or Fisher read Hinkson’s original Petition for COA, it is likely neither will read Hinkson’s Motion for Reconsideration. You as the Chief Judge have supervisory duties to the public to ensure that the judges of the Ninth Circuit do their job.


I am requesting that you read Mr. Hinkson’s 15 page Motion for Reconsideration which sets forth the absolute rules of law requiring that Mr. Hinkson be granted a COA. All it takes is a showing that at least one “jurist of reason” could disagree with the trial court. In fact, there are six “jurists of reason” who sit on the Ninth Circuit, yourself included, who have already disagreed, and continue to disagree with the trial court.


There are growing numbers in the community who are beginning to ask: What does it take to get Mr. Hinkson a fair hearing with judges who will do their job?


Therefore, I implore you as a man of conscience, PLEASE READ Mr. Hinkson’s recently filed Motion for Reconsideration in the above case. Additionally, I strongly urge you to take the lead in this matter and insure that other judges also read this Motion for Reconsideration and read the underlying Petition for Certificate of Appealability and act on it according to U.S. Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit law so that finally, like in the Phelps case, Mr. Hinkson may obtain justice. The future depends on the integrity of our judges and we need to know that the petitions of the people are not being ignored.


Sincerely yours,



