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Obama's gun control Crown Jewel

Sen. Rand Paul

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Have you signed your Firearms Sovereignty Survey yet?

The National Association for Gun Rights has collected over 1,527,000 signed surveys against the UN "Small Arms Treaty" with tens of thousands more pouring in each week!

But unless you and I stir up even more pressure, we could very well lose this battle.

If you haven't yet signed, please go ahead and do so by clicking here.  It's vital that your Senators feel pressure to oppose the UN "Small Arms Treaty" from grassroots gun rights activists like you.

If you've already signed, will you forward my email below to every pro-gun American you know?

By forwarding this email to your family and friends, you will be letting them know that Barack Obama still has his sights set on advancing, and passing, the UN "Small Arms Treaty!"

Click here to forward my email below right now.

On the page I link to there is a space for a personal message.  Please make sure to add a short note so your friends know what the email is about.

This is an important step in growing the grassroots gun rights army opposed to the UN "Small Arms Treaty."

I hope I can count on your action today.

Click here to forward the Firearms Sovereignty Survey to your family and friends.

Please read my email below to find out just how dangerous the UN "Small Arms Treaty" is to our gun rights and why it's still a threat.

For Freedom,

Rand Paul

United States Senator

P.S. The National Association for Gun Rights relies entirely on generous voluntary contributions from its supporters.  Please click here to chip in $10 or $20 today.