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The chance of the decade MSG labeled

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Full-name: AdieOnly

Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 01:49:52 -0500 (EST)

Subject: The chance of the decade


Please help.  We can do it.  Yes we can.

Want MSG labeled?  Go now,* today,* to!submitComment;D=FDA-2012-N-0711-0001

1) Enter your name etc. in the left hand column.

2) In the box on the right, tell the FDA that you want to see processed free glutamic acid (MSG) identified on food labels.  Example:

 â€œThe processed free glutamic acid (MSG) found in processed foods should be identified on food labels.†

Tell the FDA you want it labeled.

3) Submit your comment.

4) Save a copy of your comment tracking number.

Ask your family, friends, and facebook friends to do the same.

*The comment period closes February 7.

I've put this on facebook. 

Adrienne Samuels