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CBS News: Let's give up on the Constitution

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Jan. 29, 2013

A recent CBS News opinion piece declared, “Let’s give up on the Constitution.” This type of media activism presents a clear and present danger to American exceptionalism and the rule of law.
The Constitution is being systematically undermined by an Obama administration intent on fundamentally transforming America into a godless, European-style socialist nation.  Tragically, America’s mainstream media is increasingly giving their blessing to this disastrous agenda. 
Please see my very important message below – Mat.
A recent CBS News opinion piece featured Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman suggesting…
“I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the Constitution…If we are to take back our own country, we have to start making decisions for ourselves, and stop deferring to an ancient and outdated document.”
++Stop deferring to an ancient and outdated document?
Sadly, this viewpoint reflects the mindset of elitists on the left that is subsequently promoted by their all-too-willing accomplices in the media.  In any other time of American history, such statements would have been considered despicable and even seditious, and would not have been reported by responsible media outlets!
Can there be any doubt this is how the Obama administration is finding public support for radically transforming our nation?  
++Media malpractice has become the norm in America’s news coverage.
More than a half-million people gathered in Washington, DC, last Friday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s misguided ruling on Roe v. Wade.  
Where was the media coverage? 
They were intently covering about a thousand “gun control” demonstrators marching in DC at about the same time!  Of the major networks, only Fox News gave any semblance of acknowledgement that the  annual March for Life had record numbers and unusual energy in an obviously youthful crowd.
Therein was the real story of the week – pro-life activism has bridged the gap and moved into the hearts and minds of a new generation of Americans who see the hypocrisy and injustice of raw judicial activism.  Leave it to the corrupt mainstream media to go with the anti-Constitution story of a misguided, rabid minority’s assault on the Second Amendment!
++Law enforcement officers swear to uphold the law.  
Recently, over 100 Sheriffs’ organizations declared that they will uphold the citizens’ of the United States rights to bear arms under the Second Amendment.
Thanks to CNSNews, thoughtful Americans learned about this initiative which is being completely ignored by the mainstream media…  
“Many law enforcement officials have written letters to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden voicing their concerns over what they believe is an effort to infringe upon the Second Amendment.
In Missouri, Lawrence County Sheriff Brad Delay tells the President: ‘I will...rise to the defense and aid of all Americans should the federal government attempt to enact any legislation or Executive Order that impedes, erodes, or otherwise diminishes their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.’”
This is the type of grassroots initiative that can be effective to head off the wholesale destruction of our rights as Americans! United citizens, standing our ground and declaring that we will not allow the government to run roughshod over our God-given, unalienable constitutional rights!  
++ Liberty Counsel has initiated our “I Second the First” campaign for this very reason.
Liberty Counsel’s “I Second the First” campaign communicates to our elected representatives that… 
“We the People” demand that our federal government return to the rule of law as established by the United States Constitution!
Please take a minute right now and add your name to this petition. 
Stand together with me and tens of thousands of other patriots and protect our Constitution and its First and Second Amendments, which are the very heart of every American's Bill of Rights, against these radical attacks.
Please click here now to add your name to Liberty Counsel’s powerful “I Second the First” petition: 
We currently have about 40,000 signers on this important petition.  I believe we will eventually have 100,000 signers or more, but have instructed my staff to have this petition hand-delivered to Congress as soon as we eclipse the 50,000 mark!
That could happen in the next 24 hours if you and many others will take a minute to add your name to the petition to be included in this important delivery:  
In appreciation for the stand you are taking, or the stand your friends will take, we will send you (and them) complimentary “I Second the First” stickers for display on a car, home, or anywhere it will have an impact.
This is a citizen action that every freedom-loving American should take. If you would, please make your circle of friends aware of this campaign and the availability of the complimentary “I Second the First” campaign stickers.  
God bless you for standing with us, 
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776