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Molon Labe

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jAN. 22, 2014

I received this tonight. I do not know the author but I like his spirit. Lets pass it on to as many people as we can.

An open letter to Governor Cuomo -- Ed


Mr. Governor,

With all due respect, I would like to address the recent gun control laws that you passed.

I would beg the question; Who do you think you are? What part in history do you think you Play?

Do you think that you are the man that changes our constitution, you greater than any, override

the rights of millions? You change our founding document ? You think that you may change the

bill of rights at will? I think not, and many others also. Make all the grandiose speeches you want.

Display your histrionics on stage, all that you may, you will not change one basic fact; Your law

means nothing, it is illegal. It will not be followed. It will be met with nothing less than defiance.

We are Americans, not New Yorkers. You trample on the rights of all of us when you attempt to

legislate away an amendment to the constitution. There is no document more sacred, no words

more honored than those enshrined in the bill of rights. You obviously have put yourself above that.

You obviously think that you are greater than that. You obviously think that you may do as you will

with our rights. But you sir, are nothing more than a man. A small and petty tyrant, who carves out

for himself a niche in history that is much larger than the space you actually occupy. I retract "

With all due respect" for you Sir, deserve none. Not from myself, nor any other that respects the

founding principles of our country . People will spit when they say your name. You will be known

as a disgrace to our country. You and all other tyrants will find that the American spirit is still alive and well.

That same spirit that took the crown of the king and put it upon the head of all Americans is still here.

We will not back down to tyranny. We will not give in. If you want them come and take them. Molon Labe.



----- Original Message -----
From: Ed
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 11:04 PM
Subject: Open Letter Gov Cuomo