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Here's what I am for. What about you?

Dick Eastman

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Jan. 11, 2013

One more reform  -- that electors for the electoral college that selects presidents no longer be allowed party affilation or party sponsorship - that electors be chosen by the people in a non-partisan way as intended by the founding fathers  -- picking wise people of the community to attend the quadrennial electoral college as electors where that body, in its own way, will determine criteria for a president and vice president  -- scout the country for the best people for those jobs  -- with no mention of party, with no mention of affiliation and with no captivity in terms of information.  They should be protected like a jury after they convene  -- no lobbyists  -- they only can communicate with those they themselves ask to interview etc.
I add this to the other reforms I favor  -- one of which is going back to the original design where the state legislatures choose the U.S Senators  -- as things stand now the Senators are chosen by popular vote just like the democracy-based House.  The Senate was intended to be chosen by the experienced state politicians - putting forward someone who would best work with the State and know what the issues are most important to states.
I also favor applying anti-trust to banking and to the news media.  I call for anti-trust legislation that will hold the present monopoly system  -- where the major media are controlled by a criminal cartel to be illegal.
You know about my proposal eliminate the criminal scam machine that is our current finance, credit and money system.  Replaced debt-based money with thin-air costless national money  --  where the people own as a public utility the means of making money that commands goods in the people's market economy.  All new money will be introduced as dividends to the people who are equal shareholders in the national "thin-air" money system  -- where the power of introducing new money is shared fairly, rather than given out by investment banks or by Congress -- which always distorts markets and overthrows true consumer sovereignty which the market system should always be serving in a moral and just Republic of and by the people.
Repudiate the debt.
Impose an excess wealth tax and confiscation of usury earnings where there has been a conspiracy by the banks and central bank regulators to deflate the economy to defraud borrowers of their wealth through deflation which makes creditors rich and the expense of borrowers.
We will abolish the Treasury Department and the current private Federal Reserve System and the National Banks.  All banks will be state banks  -- which regulate themselves with the common guidelines that they cannot invest overseas, they cannot engage in fractional reserve banking etc.
We will regulate foreign trade and foreign investment  -- repudiating all trade treaties -- since all were written to benefit special interests rather than to promote the general good.  Balanced trade will replace the current trade deficits, and also will disallow a trade deficit.  Exports must pay for imports.  We are not restricting foreign trade, but we are eliminating foreign investment both Americans investing overseas and foreigners investing in the US.  Foreign owned land and industry in the US - will be negotiated.
Also and very important to the economy.  Illegal drugs  - the biggest source of deflation of purchasing power in the US aside from interest payments  -- will also be eliminated by the government muscling in on the drug racket  and providing drugs to any addict who makes himself known  and providing that drug at cost to the addict  -- drugs cost only pennies as far as cost of production goes.  THIS WILL ELIMINATE THE DRUG MONEY THAT NOW GOES TO ORGANIZED CRIME  -- AND IT WILL TAKE ALL PROFIT AWAY FROM THE ACIVITY OF PUSHING DRUGS.  The Arms Racket, the Usury Racket and the Drug Racket and the Numbers Racket (Lotteries) are all tied up and must be put out of business by on great mass reform that has the entire population behind it.  This is the way we will reduce drug use.  Also alcohol should be provided by government in the same way.  This is of course a death warrant for any politician  -- but if the people insist upon it  -- if they crowed around the legislators  -- insist on passage or face the anger of an arroused and social-credit empowered people  -- the people will prevail.  And under the system that we create - organized crime will have great difficulties recruiting people to do its killing and destroying.
The other racket is of course the protection racket, which for the United States has become the War Syndicate (to use a term coined in 1889) and the War on Terror Syndicate and the Arms Syndicate ("military industrial complex is too nice a term for these sociopathic killers!)
We have no business killing Moslems for Israel and China simply because we owe Rothschild and the Chinese Triad princelings 16 trillion dollars -- that we lost in a rigged game that was fixed by the Jewish mafia speculators and their CIA, Mossad, MI6, and and private organized crime machine machinations.  The US will participate in the world court and in any international venture -- such as global weather control  -- that is run internationally by treaties openly arrived at and approved only by a US Senate chosen in the way the Constitution originally specified.
That's the broad plan of the reform I favor.
That's what I'm for.  What are you for?
If you've got a plan that you like better than say so and argue for it.  If you don't and if you think my way -- Agenda 22  -- is better than what you are getting now  -- Rothschild-Rockefeller/Godlamn-Sachs Soros Murdoch   Agenda 21  - then how about showing it by endorsing and recommending it?
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
There is more - but that is the general thrust.