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Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Now!

The Wilderness Society

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Jan. 8, 2013

Last week, high seas, fierce winds, and a poor decision to travel during a series of storms caused Shell Oil's massive Arctic drilling rig, the Kulluk, to crash near Kodiak Island, Alaska. Will this accident inspire positive action — or will it be a reminder of how we failed to stop a horrible environmental disaster?

Meanwhile, according to a January 4, 2013 CBS News report, Shell's other Arctic drilling rig is under criminal investigation by the U.S. Coast Guard.

The risks to Alaska's marine and coastal wildlife and environment are too great to let Shell gamble on drilling in the Arctic Ocean. If a major oil spill were to happen in the Arctic Ocean's extreme, remote conditions, there is no proven technology to recover most of the oil and few governmental and private resources in the Arctic available to respond.

We must act now to save the Arctic Ocean, one of the last truly wild and special places, and one which is essential to Arctic Natives' way of life. It's time to say STOP ARCTIC OCEAN DRILLING NOW! Stop the recklessness! Stop the irresponsibility! Stop the greed!

Shell and its army of lobbyists have put relentless pressure on the Obama Administration, securing nearly all of its needed permits to drill in the pristine Arctic waters. Its drilling and marine safety efforts have been plagued with problems, and Shell has proven it cannot be trusted to prevent future accidents. The hazards of drilling in the Arctic Ocean are far too great to allow reckless operations, and we are certain a major oil spill would be a nightmare.

We need your help. Your emergency contribution to The Wilderness Society today will support our efforts to persuade President Obama to revoke Shell's permits to drill in the Arctic Ocean. It was politics, not science, that triumphed when these permits were granted in the first place, and this grounding incident should prompt the Administration to revoke them.

Don't delay. We cannot allow the federal government to ignore the serious implications of Shell's safety problems. The stormy seas off Alaska have sent a message, loud and clear, and we must take action! Please make your donation now.


Kulluk Oil Rig

Stop Arctic Oil Drilling

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Lois Epstein

Lois N. Epstein, P.E.

Engineer & Arctic Program Director