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Only the word 'miracle' fits!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman 

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Jan. 5, 2013

As of this writing, over 35,000 Liberty Counsel team members have signed our Amici Book (Book of Friends) for this new phase of our case against ObamaCare, Liberty University v. Geithner.  I believe that truly amazing things (and to friends like you, I would say miraculous things) are happening concerning our lawsuit due to the prayers and faithfulness of those who have signed our powerful Amici Book.  Please read more below – Mat.



I know you realize that when tens of thousands of believers are praying, miracles happen!  

I saw undeniable evidence of this in the process leading up to the hearing of our case against ObamaCare before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on May 10th, 2011, and then again in the actions taken by the United States Supreme Court to revive our case for a new hearing early this year.  


As so often happens in life, it was sometimes difficult to see God’s hand at work, especially when we experienced apparent setbacks during our multi-year battle to derail ObamaCare. That’s when faith comes into play.

Now, in hindsight, we can clearly see that only God could have orchestrated the events that have made our lawsuit the most comprehensive suit against ObamaCare in the nation!  

Our legal team is in intense preparations and poised to return to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, likely this spring, and we could well be back at the Supreme Court before year’s end.   


++Patrick, prayer changes things!

I attribute these unusual and unexpected turns of events to the fact that over 100,000 people were praying for Liberty Counsel’s litigation team, the judges, our Department of Justice adversaries, and the entire deliberation process throughout 2011 and into 2012!  

God has been working throughout this process and we feel greatly encouraged by the prayers and support from our thousands of friends and supporters!  

Prayer for this case is now more important than ever!

Thank you for signing the new Amici Book, for joining with me, the Liberty Counsel Litigation Team, and over 35,000 (so far) of your fellow patriotic Americans who REFUSE to allow the Left to turn America into just another second-rate socialist state!

This kind of support and commitment to prayer is why I reopened the Amici Book for our renewed ObamaCare lawsuit.

I want every Liberty Counsel team member to have the opportunity to sign this book that is so greatly inspiring every member of our litigation team!  I’m asking you, as a signer, to also invite your friends and as many like-minded patriots as possible to join with us.

++Liberty Counsel has been called by God for such a time as this.

I believe the Lord has uniquely prepared Liberty Counsel for this season in our nation’s history.  I believe that God is honoring our work – and the prayers of His people.

The current political reality in America has led to one of the busiest, most compacted litigation schedules – and the most intense series of public policy battles – Liberty Counsel has yet experienced.  

In fact, our litigation docket has never been more substantial.  Our public policy activities and our education programs are busier than ever.  Almost every facet of our ministry’s activities is increasing to deal with the rapid advance of radical “progressivism” in our nation!

But, as we are seeing daily, along with the increasing challenges, God brings even greater opportunities! The difference between adversity and opportunity is a dedicated Christian willing to be used by God. After all, nothing is impossible with God!

++We can’t win without your continuing help!

We long ago realized that our principled defense of liberty is not possible without a God-given group of faithful partners who share our perspective and realize that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance – partners who know that if we don’t show up to stop the radical Leftists, the ACLU, and other enemies of freedom, we can’t expect to retain our God-given liberties.

In order to show up and win, we need your ongoing help.

Even if you have recently given to support our work, please consider further helping.  The stakes are high and the rewards will be great for those who fight for liberty when it is difficult to do so!  Please, go here to help in our current litigation efforts:

I hope you will prayerfully consider how you can further partner with us and help Liberty Counsel continue expanding our vital efforts in this crucial hour.

Thank you for your faithful friendship, and may God bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Thank you being a friend of Liberty Counsel and helping us in our defense of life, liberty, and family. The evidence clearly shows that God is at work through our efforts to positively impact our nation!  Right now, any financial gift will help us continue the work God has called us to do – together.  Click here to donate:

P.P.S. The Liberty Counsel family of ministries’ new Internet portal is a vital resource for you to see the many activities our friends are enabling us to undertake. Visit anytime at


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776