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The ObamaCare countdown has begun

Liberty Counsel Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

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Jan. 2, 2013

If you think the fiscal cliff countdown was a disaster – just wait until this time next year!  Twelve months from now, January 1, 2014, the national nightmare called ObamaCare will be in full force – ushering in the most invasive intrusion upon American liberty in our history, all implemented by our own government.  
Not that there aren’t plenty of problems with ObamaCare in 2013!  The trillion dollar toll on our economy has already begun and the pace of implementing torturous mandate after mandate, being applied by unelected bureaucrats, is accelerating.
Please see my very important message below – Mat.
In the coming months there will be a virtual avalanche of new regulations, guidelines, bureaucratic processes, fees, and taxes imposed on every American business and individual.  
Dozens of unelected, extra-constitutional czars appointed by President Obama and his inner circle of advisors will work in lockstep with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and their thousands of tax-paid bureaucratic underlings preparing for the full launch of ObamaCare in 2014.  
The original 2,700+ page bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama was only the beginning.  
Before ObamaCare is finalized and the “open enrollment” period that began on October 1, 2014, matures, tens of thousands of pages additional regulations and clarifications will be written by bureaucrats whose own healthcare, provided by US taxpayers, will remain virtually unaffected.    
States and large businesses say they need more clarification and additional reams of directives to implement the new program.  They are sure to get them.
By the end of this year, over 1,600 IRS agents will be hired to “police” ObamaCare participants.  The “death panels” will be in place.  And over 20 new taxes will have been imposed. 
Contrary to the oh-so-earnest promises made by President Obama when he was selling ObamaCare to the nation, the new healthcare law is driving up costs for every American.  And, no, most Americans will not​ be allowed to keep the coverage they currently have!
Sadly, many Americans are overwhelmed by the complexity of this situation, and have become numb to the effects that ObamaCare will ultimately have on their healthcare, their personal finances, their available options, and their freedom of conscience.
++ObamaCare’s unrelenting assault on religious liberty and free enterprise.
As a friend of Liberty Counsel, you know that one of ObamaCare’s most intrusive assaults on liberties comes from the mandate that companies provide coverage for contraception, abortions, and abortifacients (“morning after” pills, chemicals like RU-486, and other death-dealing pharmaceuticals). 
After their December injunction request to the Supreme Court for exemption from the onerous ObamaCare contraception mandate was refused, Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned craft chain with 572 stores employing more than 13,000 people, declared that they will face the $1.3 million per day fine imposed by ObamaCare bureaucrats rather than pay for abortions – beginning yesterday, January 1.  
Liberty University will face similar fines beginning July 1, 2013, with the only difference in timing being the respective organization’s fiscal accounting system.  We MUST stop this outrage before it develops any further!
On Wednesday, December 26, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor ruled that Hobby Lobby is not considered to be eligible for an ObamaCare religious exemption, even though their mission statement includes, “Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company… consistent with Biblical principles.” 
Please pray for the Green family and their companies impacted by this travesty, Hobby Lobby and Mardel Inc., a Christian book seller.  These wonderful people have made incredibly generous and strategic charitable use of their firms’ wealth and are in no way litigious or non-compliant with US tax policies.  They openly attribute their success and ability to invest in Christian ministries to the favor of God.
The Greens simply refuse to pay for the murder of pre-born children with their companies’ revenue!  Right now there are 40 similar lawsuits to ours and the Greens’ against ObamaCare’s mandates in various stages of development around the nation.
I believe Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare is America’s best hope to end the federal takeover of our healthcare system and its deadly impact on our culture in 2013!
Further, I feel certain that our favorable positioning in the legal system is the result of God honoring the prayers of well over 100,000 friends like you!
Thankfully, I will soon be arguing in federal court on behalf of tens of millions of Americans who want to keep ObamaCare’s socialist mandate from doing irreparable damage to our nation. 
Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare was revived at the direction of the Supreme Court, and is already at the appellate level.
Because of the remarkable Supreme Court ruling granting a rehearing of Liberty University v. Geithner, our case against ObamaCare, I will be delivering oral argument before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, early in 2013, contending that mandates in the laughably misnamed “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” are completely unconstitutional!
Right now my legal team is in full preparation mode for our pending court date. 
As one of the first 30,000 signers of the all-new Amici Book, I know that you prayerfully and morally stand behind Liberty Counsel’s efforts to rid our nation of ObamaCare once and for all. 
Will you also consider a special gift today to financially support this major litigation effort – as well as the other important court cases that we have pending?
Our legal battle against ObamaCare is among the most historic pieces of litigation ever fought in the United States federal courts.  And Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit is now at the forefront of all judicial efforts to have the law overturned! 
Please, even if you have supported this case before, stand with my team and me once again in this special way by giving a special gift early in 2013.
THANK YOU for all you do, and have done, as a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Thank you for joining me in the courtroom by signing our Amici Book (meaning, as I have mentioned, “Book of Friends”) – and thank you in advance for your special gift to help undergird our extremely important litigation efforts. Again, thank you and God bless you!