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She wants her husband back alive

Michael Jones,

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Dec. 23, 2012

On July 9, 2011, Ludivine Cazares Solis and her husband Rodolfo were visiting his childhood hometown in Mexico to see Rodolfo's family. But what was supposed to be a warm reunion turned into a nightmare when the entire family was kidnapped by a notorious drug cartel.

Ludivine and her sisters-in-law were eventually released by the cartel, but her husband Rodolfo, a world renowned symphony conductor, is still being held captive.

Ludivine has done everything she can to get her husband back, including paying ransom and working with local Mexican police. Nothing so far has worked -- but Ludivine is finally convinced she's found someone who can actually find Rodolfo and secure his freedom.

Ludvine started a petition on calling on Mexico's recently elected President Ernesto Peña Nieto to personally order an investigation into Rodolfo's kidnapping and to work to get him freed.

Peña Nieto's campaign promise was to fight organized crime in Mexico and he's the highest power in the country -- click here to sign.

Ludivine says she has been let down by unbelievable bureaucracy, corruption and the paralyzing fear of a gang that operates above the law at every turn -- she says the police won't even search a house they know Rodolfo was held captive in for days.  But President Peña Nieto was elected into office because of his outspoken commitment to taking down organized crime. He's also very concerned about his international image -- that's why Ludivine has hope that a petition of global proportions could move him to take action.

Already, more than 48,000 people around the world have signed her petition, including some of the world's best known classical conductors and musicians in Europe -- Rodolfo's colleagues and friends.

With enough continuing global outcry around Rodolfo's kidnapping, Ludivine is confident that Mexican President Peña Nieto will have to take notice -- and take action.

Click here to sign Ludivine's petition now, calling on newly sworn-in Mexican President Peña Nieto to order an investigation into the kidnapping of Ludivine's husband, Rodolfo Cazares Solis, in order to secure his freedom.

Thanks for being a change-maker,

- Michael and the team