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2013: A New Birth of Liberty

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Dec. 21, 2012

“If we ever forget that we are One Nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  President Ronald Reagan
Going into the historic 2012 elections, we knew one thing for certain:  One vision of America would win – and one would lose.  Sadly, Barack Obama’s big-government, socialist agenda won – while personal liberty and many of the great Judeo-Christian values upon which America was founded, lost. 
Nonetheless, positive change can still take place.  There is still hope for our nation!  God is still in control! 
In some important ways, we are actually better positioned for a return to national sanity than before the 2012 election took place. That is why we are adopting a positive theme for the upcoming year… “2013: A New Birth of Liberty.”  Please read my important message below – Mat. 
As you know all too well, there is an aggressive Leftist movement in this nation based upon the vision of the Obama administration, the ACLU, and other sympathetic organizations, all of which are supported by the liberal media.  
Their goal: To remake America into a socialist, Big-Government, limited-freedom, anti-life, anti-marriage, pro-homosexual, weak nation that constantly apologizes for its God-given heritage.  
The historic event we witnessed just seven weeks ago was far more than a general election – it was a referendum on the soul of America.  
For the first time in our history, a plurality of Americans voted for a party platform that intentionally omitted God and advanced many positions that the Bible specifically condemns. Some Christian observers called the Democratic Party Platform for 2012 a “Romans Chapter One Platform.”  They were correct.
As a result of the Left’s victory, we now face dramatic new threats to American sovereignty, to life, to liberty, and to the foundational institution of the family. 
++2013: A look ahead.
On the very first day of the New Year, we will face a stark reality. If federal spending is not deeply slashed, America will not survive. 
The national debt now exceeds $17 trillion. This kind of profligate spending is totally unsustainable! Sadly, our country could easily collapse under the weight of escalating economic debt. 
In fact, we are now literally living on financial life support. 
++We also face escalating threats to life, liberty, and morality.
In the first four years of the Obama administration, we witnessed a direct assault on our moral values, religious rights, the Judeo-Christian pillars of our society, the Constitution, and the rule of law in general. 
We will no doubt see this pattern continue. We will feel the consequences of the recent election through 2013 and beyond…  
More pre-born children will die.  Marriage will come under even greater attack.  Immorality will be exalted.
Our government, its power grabs, and overbearing federal regulations will continue to expand at unprecedented rates. 
The Obama administration’s foreign policy of appeasement will continue to embolden our enemies. Our military will become weaker.  Islam will be empowered as never before.  Israel will not have as strong an ally as it needs at this critical time.  The world will become a much more dangerous place.
If it continues to be implemented, ObamaCare will ultimately destroy our healthcare system, impose new economic hardships, and enact even more morally reprehensible “mandates.” 
These are all expected consequences that follow poor national decision’s like the one we have just made.  
Yet, while we grieve the loss of our nation’s values which once made us a shining beacon on a hill, we cannot lose our hope or resolve that America can – and will – be restored. 
When you are down, it is time to fight all the harder!
Our calling is not based on the outcome of one or two elections. WE MUST BE FAITHFUL. I believe now more than ever that God has raised up Liberty Counsel – and our growing number of patriotic supporters – for such a time as this.  
++Together, we can embrace a new vision for America!
Liberty Counsel’s vision is to usher in “A New Birth of Liberty” by restoring our nation’s core values, love of freedom, individual responsibility, sanctity of life and marriage, and Christian heritage.  I will share much more of that vision with you in the coming days…  
For now, take heart: As we look toward 2013, a new countdown to determining our national destiny has begun! 
I promise you that Liberty Counsel will never stop fighting for the soul of our nation.  I believe you have that kind of resolve, as well.
With the financial support and prayers of our many partners, God has blessed Liberty Counsel with an exceptional number of milestone victories in 2012. These victories testify to the fact that there is still hope for America. 
++I pray you will continue to stand with us.
In order to achieve all that we hope to accomplish in 2013, we need to know that you are standing with us. December is a critical month for Liberty Counsel. We need to balance our budget and prepare for the dramatic challenges 2013 will inevitably bring.
The inescapable fact is that we need to raise an additional $500,000 over and above our normal year-end giving – half of that amount from the Liberty Counsel online team.  This target may seem inappropriate during the ongoing recession, but with each of us working together, we can achieve this goal!
 I’m asking you to make a significant gift to Liberty Counsel before the end of 2012. 
Your help is more needed than ever before.  I am urging you to make a special tax-deductible gift at the end of this year so we can continue our aggressive pro-liberty agenda and meet the historic challenges now threatening liberty, faith and family in 2013. 
I am asking that you stretch your faith and help us with a sizable year-end gift.  Click here to make a year-end gift to help us close out 2012 on solid financial footing as we ramp up to face the goliath-sized challenges of 2013: 
++2013 can be a year like no other!
Even in the midst of significant threats to our liberty, in 2013 we must fight to restore the values of life, liberty, and family. 
Thank God, the various Liberty Counsel enterprises are better prepared to take on this challenge than ever before in our 23-year history.  At the end of the day, pendulums have a way of swinging from right to left and back again. We are diligently working to encourage that momentum swing as 2012 comes to a close. 
We need you to stand with us in 2013. We ask for your continued prayers. And, of course, we need you to help us financially.  By God’s grace, we are confident that our cause is worthy of both your spiritual and financial support! 
With the upcoming tax changes, you will probably find it more advantageous to invest in Liberty Counsel’s vital work this year than any subsequent year in the foreseeable future.  When you click on the link below, you will see a brief synopsis of some reasons this is true.
Please prayerfully consider making a generous year-end gift to Liberty Counsel right now:  
The future of America and the survival of Western Civilization can be renewed in 2013 if we bring forth “A New Birth of Liberty.”  The course you and I and our fellow Americans decide to take this momentous year will settle the matter.  May God help us choose the right path – and may we experience the full reality of “A New Birth of Liberty in 2013.”  
A servant of the Lord and your fellow patriot,
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. The past year was one of the most divisive in our nation’s history. I believe the coming year(s) under Barack Obama’s oppressive presidency will force us to overcome many obstacles as we work to restore individual liberty and greatness to our republic.  
We cannot bow to the will of those who would “fundamentally transform” our nation into a socialist big-government regime! The long-term future of the United States and the survival of Western Civilization literally hang in the balance! 
That’s why the ongoing work of Liberty Counsel is vital to the future of our nation.  We can’t possibly do it without your generous support!  I believe that working together, we can overcome the radical tide that has swept across our nation. 
Thank you for standing with us!

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776