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Why we MUST win our ObamaCare lawsuit

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Dec. 18, 2012

Last week, I shared with you insights about the “ObamaCare fiscal cliff” that could prove to be far more disastrous than the fiscal cliff crisis that is getting so much coverage in the news right now.




In fact, when it comes to ObamaCare, the financial burden American taxpayers will be required to carry is just part of the nightmarish story.


There’s no question in my mind that ObamaCare is a malignant cancer on our society impacting far more than our wallets and pocketbooks.


There will be costs to our society that go even beyond…


  • The 21 new taxes and fees that experts predict will cost taxpayers trillions;
  • The soaring health insurance premiums (which we are already beginning to see);
  • The addition of more than 16 million Americans to an already overburdened Medicare system;
  • And an unknown number of new “mandates” yet to be revealed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Implementation of ObamaCare will exact a heavy toll on us as individuals – something we don’t hear about nearly enough. I’m referring to ObamaCare’s Independent Advisory Board (IPAB), a collection of appointed number crunchers who hold the rationing power over what kind of treatment you and your loved ones will receive when the new law is fully implemented.



Your choice of physician and care will likely soon become a thing of the past. The Congressional Budget Office predicts as many as 20 million Americans will be tossed from their current plans and into state exchanges that will closely examine your finances and family history to determine who gets government subsidies and how much – a process over which you will have no control.



Shortages of care and physicians will become the norm and, as a result, innovative research and treatments that once typified the U.S. healthcare system will sharply decline.


Even worse, you will be required to pay for life-ending drugs and treatments for others’ pre-born children regardless of the fact that it violates your freedom of conscious.


Meanwhile, you will pay for your own for life-saving drugs and treatment plans, but life-ending drugs (to commit euthanasia) are free under ObamaCare!


++Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit: The best hope to derail ObamaCare.


I believe the human cost of ObamaCare will dwarf the financial cost of this unconstitutional mandate, as levels of angst, fear, and frustration over ObamaCare will prove devastating to the human condition.



What we’ve seen so far of ObamaCare’s destructive impact is merely the tip of the iceberg.


As Liberty Counsel’s legal team prepares for what is clearly our most important case since our founding nearly 24 years ago, we know we are arguing on behalf of tens of millions of Americans who want to keep ObamaCare from doing irreparable damage to our nation.


I’m uplifted by the knowledge that so many of you will be joining with me in that federal courtroom in Richmond, Virginia!


I’m thrilled that you have added your name to our all-new Amici Book – which translated from Latin means “Book of Friends.” I will proudly include the Amici Book in our litigation materials at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.  It will be a reminder of why we are fighting so hard to reverse the socialization of our healthcare system before it is too late!


But more than that, I will feel your presence in that courtroom. 
Your friendship, concern, and most importantly, your prayers will bolster our litigation team as we fight this epic legal battle.


But there’s one more thing …


Liberty Counsel fully understands that this is our last great hope to defeat ObamaCare, and we are preparing to win!  But we need the help of our friends to handle the extraordinary financial costs of preparing for this litigation while also maintaining other critical cases that are pending.



Can I count on you to make a significant financial gift right now to help the Liberty Counsel team?

Go here now to make your gift:


We know the terrifying truth about ObamaCare, and the awesome opportunity God has given us. I’m grateful to be in this God-ordained place right now, but I need your financial help.


Please join the Liberty Counsel team by making a special gift at this crucial time:


I am both humbled and inspired by your support!


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. Thank you for joining me in the courtroom by having signed our Amici Book (meaning, as I have mentioned, “Book of Friends”).  Thank you in advance for your special financial help at this critical time. God bless you and yours in this Christmas season!



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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776