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Don't let the coal industry destroy Blair Mountain

Josh Nelson, CREDO

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Dec. 13, 2012

Help save West Virginia's Blair Mountain from the dirty coal industry.

The petition reads:
"Allowing mountaintop removal coal mining to move forward on historic Blair Mountain would be reckless and irresponsible. I urge you to use your executive power as governor to save Blair Mountain."
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Dear Patrick,

Historic Blair Mountain, the site of one of the largest labor uprisings in U.S. history, in 1921,1 is under assault by the coal industry.

Coal companies want to use explosives to destroy Blair Mountain through a process called mountaintop removal mining — the most destructive form of coal mining there is.

West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has the power to save Blair Mountain, but so far has refused to use it.

But our friends at Appalachian Voices think that national pressure on him right now could save Blair Mountain. So we're joining them in calling on the governor to spare Blair Mountain from destruction.

Tell West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin: Save Blair Mountain from dirty coal companies. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

In the Battle of Blair Mountain, in 1921, coal miners fought for human dignity, fair working conditions and the right to organize. That's a big part of the reason why coal companies like Arch Coal and Alpha Natural Resources are so intent on destroying the mountain.

Local activists have been fighting for years to protect historic Blair Mountain, but with several permit applications currently moving forward, we need Governor Tomblin to feel public pressure now.

If he doesn't use his executive power to stop the coal industry's dangerous plans, the results for West Virginia will be disastrous.

In addition to permanently scarring historic Blair Mountain with explosives, the industry would dump dangerous pollutants into the headwaters of the Spruce Fork watershed, damaging stream ecosystems, putting fish and amphibian populations at risk, and potentially contaminating drinking water supplies. Mountaintop removal mining has also been linked to increased rates of cancer and birth defects.2

West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has the power to save Blair Mountain, but he's not going to use it without strong public pressure.

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Thank you for fighting to save historic Blair Mountain.

Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

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1. Chris Hedges, "The Battle of Blair Mountain", Common Dreams, 7/16/12

2. Paul J. Nyden, "Study: birth defect rates higher in MTR areas, West Virginia Gazette, 6/21/11