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New Petition: Tell Congress to STOP Accepting Campaign Cash from Sallie Mae!

Robert Applebaum, StudentDebtCrisis

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Dec. 12, 2012

As you're well aware, there's a growing student debt crisis in America, with over $1 Trillion in outstanding student loan debt.  Although many different solutions have been proposed in Congress, including H.R. 4170, The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012, our leaders in Washington continue to ignore the millions of people who have called out for significant reforms.

As long as lawmakers in Washington continue to fill their campaign coffers with limitless cash from the nation's largest student lender, Sallie Mae, it's nearly a foregone conclusion that such solutions will never see the light of day.

Therefore, we at have created a brand new petition designed to address this significant barrier to reform: getting our leaders in Washington out of the pocket of Sallie Mae.

Upon receipt of this email, please follow this link to sign our new petition, telling our lawmakers to STOP accepting campaign cash from Sallie Mae:

Sign the Petition to Tell Lawmakers to STOP Accepting Campaign Cash From Sallie Mae.

Once you sign, please click here to share the petition on Twitter and click here to share it on Facebook.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support.  Now, let's get the money out of politics and start to reform our broken student lending system!


-Rob, Kyle, Natalia, Aaron & The StudentDebtCrisis Team