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The gloves are coming off

Georganne Chapin - Intact America

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Dec. 12, 2012





Wow—the change you’ve helped to bring about this year has left me breathless!

Parents are resisting, governments are banning, the media is listening, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is running scared, and men are howling in protest at having been violated as children... The world over, people are waking up to the true horrors of infant circumcision.


And yet, the AAP and hospitals are still fighting for the right to maim babies—and profit from it. Don’t let them win—don’t let their willful ignorance and greed cause one million babies—babies who grow into men who remember—to be hurt in 2013.

You can stop this. Take the gloves off and join the fight by making a donation today. Now is the time. Thanks to a generous supporter, your tax-deductible donation will be matched, up to $25,000—until December 31.

We need funding to continue our fight, to realize our shared vision of protecting all babies and children.

  • Getting the true message out about the pain and permanent damage of infant circumcision—costs money.
  • Changing hearts and minds through advocacy and outreach—costs money.
  • Keeping pressure on the largest trade association of doctors to rescind its endorsement of circumcision, and on hospitals to stop pushing this barbaric practice—costs money.

True, we’re taking on some powerful giants. Cultural biases, centuries-old religious edicts, hospitals and doctors are not easily defeated.

But what we’ve got is so much stronger than all of these combined. We have truth, justice, and dedicated supporters like you.

This year we counted on you to protest, agitate, and speak out. But today I call on you to make a generous donation to help us finish the year with an arsenal of support for the fight we have ahead in 2013. We have them on the ropes. Now is not the time to let up. And remember, your tax-deductible donation will be matched, up to $25,000—until December 31.

The millions of babies who are spared the knife will have you to thank when we win.

Thanks to the generosity of a fellow intactivist, your tax-deductible donation will be matched, up to $25,000—until December 31. The more funding we have, the more babies we save. Act now!

In solidarity and with deep gratitude,

Georganne Chapin

Executive Director, Intact America



P.S. This year alone, the number of American baby boys tied down and surgically altered will top one million—that’s a human rights violation on a massive scale. I can guarantee that doctors won’t be setting their knives aside and waiting “until later”—so I implore you not to set this email aside or wait to act. We have until December 31 to meet our matching gift deadline, so DONATE NOW!