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Rep. Ron Paul

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Nov. 12, 2012

My final session in Congress begins this week.


And it could be the worst of my career...


From re-authorization of FISA spying to an all-out assault on Internet freedom, you and I face some very real threats in this "lame-duck" session.


And we can't forget about potential tax hikes and more outrageous spending bills to bury us deeper in debt.


As I prepare to leave office, I would love nothing more than to see Campaign for Liberty make a huge impact and defeat these statist plans.


That's why I hope you'll take action today.


If you haven't already, please watch this critical video update to see how you can fight back during the lame-duck session.


But if you've already watched the video and taken action, I hope you'll do one more thing today.


Will you forward this email to everyone you know?


You and I cannot have our maximum impact for freedom unless our movement continues to grow.


So please take just a moment to watch an urgent video update from C4L President John Tate and forward it to everyone you know.



For Liberty,

Ron Paul