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Natural News announces lifetime boycott of chemical pesticide companies opposing GMO labeling (Prop 37)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Oct. 25, 2012

(NaturalNews) What do Monsanto, BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont and Syngenta all have in common? They are all manufacturers of poison who are funneling millions of dollars into the campaign to try to defeat Proposition 37 in California (the GMO labeling bill). In doing this, these six pesticide companies have cemented their positions in history as being among the most evil corporations in human history.

Today, Natural News is announcing a lifetime boycott of all six companies. We are urging Natural News readers and all members of the human race who believe in a positive, healthful future to join in this lifetime boycott of these destructive companies:

• Stop buying ALL products made by Bayer (including their over-the-counter medicine products).

• Stop buying ALL products made by DuPont (including cookware and textiles).

• Stop buying ALL products made with Monsanto's genetically modified seeds. This includes virtually all conventional corn and soy products. This is true across all groceries, storable foods and snacks. If it contains corn and it's not USDA certified organic, it's almost certainly Monsanto's GMO.

• Stop buying ALL products made by BASF. BASF is also one of the companies that founded IG Farben, the criminal group in Germany that committed outrageous atrocities against humanity during the Nazi reign. BASF currently manufactures numerous pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, plastics and other toxins.


Empower yourself: Read labels, make decisions, deny evil corporations your business

To join in this lifetime boycott, you will have to make a real effort to avoid buying products produced by these companies, because their poisons are so insidious that they're hidden in everyday products. You'll find their chemicals in lawn care products, children's medicines, new clothing, cookware, cosmetics, body care and all sorts of home care products.

Like nearly all large globalist corporations, DuPont has a dark and hidden history that you'll only fully appreciate if you purchase and read the book, Du Pont Dynasty: Behind the Nylon Curtain. This book is out of print and very difficult to find, by the way.

If you really want a wild ride into history, check out the factual history of Bayer, whose chairman was convicted of Nazi war crimes. This is a company steeped in a history of anti-human activities, many of which continue to this day.

Join our lifetime boycott against these evil corporations whose products threaten the very future of life on our planet.

And IF we get through this "age of chemicals" and still have a human race remaining, I have no doubt there will be a museum of chemical atrocities committed against humankind and nature. That the museum will prominently feature the destructive activities of these very six corporations: Monsanto, BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont and Syngenta.