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Smoking gun proves Obama lied

Grassfire Nation

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Oct. 24, 2012

Breaking news is confirming that the Obama administration knew within two hours that the deadly attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya was a 9/11 anniversary assault by Islamic militants.

A flood of emails from the U.S. State Department to government and intelligence agencies removes all doubt that the White House knew exactly what was happening in Benghazi. And yet for weeks, they continued to perpetuate a grand lie to the American people -- bogusly suggesting the attack was a "spontaneous reaction" to a Muslim video posted on YouTube.

Rush Limbaugh believes the Libya cover-up is bigger than Watergate "because people died." 

Why the lies? Why did the Obama administration knowingly mislead and misdirect the American people?

What are they hiding?

Whether for political gain or to appease the Islamic community, or some other reason, the American people deserve the truth. Yet the stonewalling of the White House and the liberal media's lack of vigor to make this a front-page news story has made it critical for grassroots Americans to act -- to demand immediate action.

+ + Americans want THE TRUTH ABOUT LIBYA!

Only an aggressive, grassroots effort demanding an immediate investigation into the Libya cover-up will bring the truth to light -- LESS THAN TWO WEEKS FROM THE ELECTION!

Grassfire is moving rapidly to mobilize at least 75,000 grassroots Americans who are signing our national petition DEMANDING THE TRUTH ABOUT LIBYA -- and we are eager to represent you on Capitol Hill!

Join the tens of thousands of Americans who want the truth from this administration by going here now and signing our petition.

The time is now for grassroots Americans to demand Congress take action. That's why we need your immediate help to push us past our delivery goal, so we can rush petitions to Capitol Hill as soon as THIS  FRIDAY!

Right now, we are only 6,000 petitions shy of our delivery goal -- and with your help, we think we can triple this number leading to this important petition delivery to key House and Senate targets!

Go here to ensure delivery of your petition.

After signing, help amplify the cries and demands of the American people calling for an immediate investigation, by forwarding this message to 30-40 friends and family members. Encourage them to take an immediate stand for truth by clicking below and becoming part of this important petition delivery.

Intense, unrelenting grassroots pressure on House and Senate leadership is key to uncovering the truth behind Obama's lies -- but they need to hear from you now!

This story is finally making the headlines, and Obama's camp is working to minimize damage and get it off the front page. THIS IS YOUR TIME TO RESPOND!

Go here now to sign our petition.

Thank you for standing for the truth.

The Grassfire Team

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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