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The Case For Malala Yousafzai,

Robert ‘Standing Eagle’ Marshall

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Oct. 19, 2012

IMHO — There are some strong parallels to the Pakistani teen Malala

Yousafzai and Mairead Maguire, the woman who organized the “Women For

Peace” March in Northern Ireland, minus the part about being shot


These 200 women took to the streets to march to the grave-site of

three girls who were killed by a car driven by an IRA member after he

was involved in a shoot out. They were savagely attack that day with

bottles, bricks, stones, and fists.

Determined not to be deterred from their cause a few weeks later these

women took to the streets again to march to the girls grave-site; but,

this time the news of that first cowardly attack had spread and when

these original 200 women hit the streets they were joined by 35,000

men and women! And they met no resistance at all! And thus was another

nail in the coffin of the IRA!!!

Today, the Pakistani government, the head of its military, and some of

its citizens across the country have publicly condemned the

assassination attempt on Malala’s life and asking that the

perpetrators be brought to justice; and I commend them for their

actions; even under threats from the Taliban that if she survives that

they will surly keep making attempts on her life until they finally

succeed in killing her!

And within all of this there is a deafening silence simultaneously

mixed with a sigh of relief amongst the citizenry and clerics of


A silence amongst the lay citizen community where normally there is a

global uproar… — I’m sorry — how rude of me; those type of outbursts

are reserved for affronts against their precious “Prophet” — this is

only a lowly, teenage, girl who dares to speak of equal rights and

education for Islamic women!

A silence amongst the scholars and cleric community where normally

there is a global uproar… — I’m sorry — again; how rude of me; those

type of outbursts are reserved for affronts against their precious

“Prophet” — this is only a lowly, teenage, girl who dares to speak of

equal rights and education for Islamic women!

Hmmmmm….. Did I perhaps hear the term mumbled under your breathe —

Cognitive Dissonance??!?!!!

Malala is literally a child of peace — recognized world-wide for her

outspoken stance on education for Islamic women, women’s rights and

peace — secular in their nature because, in the final analysis, they

are for the global community. She has the utter, unmitigated gall, and

the audacity to speak of rights — as though you are really the ones

that control something that is everyone’s right at birth! Pardon me,

again, I forgot; you Islamic “fundies” are the self-proclaimed

guardians at the gates to keep your females in the place you’ve picked

out for them in Islamic society. Secular society and its ideals mean

they do not place any one individual, let alone their religion, above

anyone else! And thus you make your justification to kill her on the

basis that anything secular goes against your Sharia Laws! Because

secular thinking and peace under secular ideology is “poison fruit” to

Islam. Under Islam peace is a condition that can only be achieved once

the totality of mankind is converted to your faith and/or all of the

non-believers are exterminated. Thus “peace” for convertees and global

domination of the rest!

At what point in this “passion play” of Islam’s institutionalized

violence and purposeful ignorance does the price of a human life,

dignity, freedom, and self-determination out weigh your religious


If the “Children of Islam” really want to show the world how peaceful

and loving your religion truly is you should globally be taking to the

streets with righteous indignation over this heinous crime perpetrated

against this young girl as the Christians in Northern Ireland did over

30 years ago. You should be rioting, carrying banners, burning Taliban

effigies, and all of those methods of showing outrage the world has

become used to whenever you have felt offended!

But, again, I presume too much! For deep down inside you harbor

violent intent towards anything that even leans toward the term

“secular” because your Sharia Law demands it be snuffed out! And I

admire the outpouring of sympathy and demonstrations in Pakistan for

this crime against Malala. However, I am saying prayers for all of

them because they have made themselves visible to you cretins of the

Taliban, and thus future targets that you will undoubtedly be having

“wet-dreams” at night over how you will be teaching them a lesson for

standing up to you!

In closing, I will leave you hypocritical, fundamentalist, Islamist,

bullies with this — Martyrdom — it is there on the tip of the tongue

of humanity; there is still yet hope on the worlds’ baited-breathe;

this 14 year old Pakistani girl and what you perpetrated against her

has made her a global symbol in the eon’s long list of sung and unsung

purveyors of peace. You “fundies” put great stock in martyrdom,

whenever it suits your own perverted ends. But martyrdom is a

double-edged blade that cuts both ways, and like Fate it can be fickle

and bite you when you least expect it — especially when you get too

self-righteous, too prideful, and inevitably get too drunk with power

and think you’re untouchable!

You have added yet another atrocity to your “Hall Of Shame”, like the

incident in Northern Ireland over 30 years ago, which sealed the fate

of the IRA; like wise, you have planted a seed in the minds of your

brethren and Malala is now a living-martyr which will lead to your

blessed undoing! And as you start hearing a pounding in your heads

from what you think is your righteous ire coming forth from these

words of truth, you’ll be wrong. For you see that pounding will be a

precognition of what Fate has in store for you. That pounding and

banging will be the pounding of the nails in the lids of your

collective coffins — your long overdue reward for your crimes against

the innocence of the Family of Mankind!


“Aho, Mitakuye Oyasin (We Are All Related)--

If the people lead, then the leaders will follow!

We Are One Planet,

We Are One People,

We Are One Mind,

We Are One Spirit!”

— Robert 'Standing Eagle' Marshall, 12March2002

Founder & CEO of the "We Are All Related" Foundation