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BREAKING NEWS: Intact America has been BANNED from exhibiting at the AAP Conference!

Georganne Chapin - Intact America

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Oct. 11, 2012

BREAKING NEWS—Just as we were about to send you the email below, we received a letter from the American Academy of Pediatrics, telling us that INTACT AMERICA HAS BEEN BANNED FROM HAVING A BOOTH AT NEXT WEEK’S AAP CONFERENCE! It’s clear they are afraid of our message, but we’re still going to New Orleans, and we need your help. We have an opportunity to place two Open Letters in the New Orleans Times Picayune to reach the thousands of pediatricians visiting the conference!


Don’t forget—make your donation by midnight on Monday, October 15 and DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT!

Please give generously,

and help us tell the AAP

“Shame On You!”

Donate Today!


Next week, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is meeting in New Orleans for its annual conference. Given the AAP’s recent Task Force Report on Circumcision, it is more important than ever that Intact America be there—especially now that we've been banned from exhibiting inside the Convention Center.


The spotlight is now on us to stage a major press conference and demonstration, because we must get our message out to America's pediatricians: circumcision is medically unnecessary and harmful to the babies they are bound by oath to protect.

WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED. Please donate now and help us make an impact in New Orleans!

YOU are the driving force behind all the progress we've made so far. That's why I am asking you to please give—and give generously—at a time when your donation will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $10,000—which is exactly the amount we still need to pay for TWO Open Letters in the New Orleans Times Picayune!

Intactivists are coming from across America to help fight for baby boys’ rights to genital integrity. We need to equip them with the information, signs, and tools they need to be heard when they tell the AAP, “Shame On You!”

Your tax-deductible donation today will be critical in getting our message out to pediatricians who need important information about circumcision—information that their own trade association is keeping from them by banning us from the conference!

We can't afford NOT to be there.

Thanks to the generous matching pledge from intactivist Dan Bollinger, your donation today will go twice as far—which is why I am asking you to please give as generously as you can. Like I said above, we will not be silenced.

Together we can make a difference!

With gratitude for all that you do,

Georganne Chapin

Executive Director, Intact America