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All About Praying for Divine Intervention for Our Nation

The Lonestar Watchdog

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Oct. 9, 2012

Talking about praying for divine intervention for our nation is a must. How we do it is a whole different story.

It just concerns me that many patriots who claim to be followers of Jesus are ranting and moaning about the sad state of affairs we are in.  They talk about activism and the Infowar. I hear people talk about like it is impossible to uproot and bring to justice those who sit in high places and the occultist bloodline. It makes it sound like we cannot win. It is almost like it is futile to even try to defeat these evil doers.

To let you know I am not going to pray to the God of the 501c3 churches. I am not going to pray to the God of John Hagee ,Pat Robertson and the other Zionist preachers. I am not going to pray top the God of Israeli President Netanyahu who says we need to go to war. I am not going to seek a miracle for Benny Hinn or Paul and Jan Crouch. I am not going to seek answers from the devil’s right hand. The ministers we have today speaking from the Pulpit are not the preachers of colonial times who preached real morality and sound doctrine.

We have allowed ourselves to be deceived by our religious  leaders to tell us what to think and believe from the pulpit for so long not checking or questioning bad teachings. We do not know the truth from a lie because we were too lazy to check it out for ourselves. Jesus has emphatically said ” take heed and do not be deceived”.

If we are going to pray remember 2 Chronicles 7:14 which states in the King James translation as follows:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

That means we have to acknowledge our own flaws and how we been a part of our decadent society. We have to come to terms even though we may never had an abortion or never been a part of having an abortion from happening. Our silence not to act was our consent. The TSA’s abuses, our flaw is even though we find the groping and theft outrageous, or we do not like what the President is doing. We still sin falling short by allowing it to happen one more day. We fall short by allowing any injustice by our silence and consent.

What is more wicked than the sin of sexual immorality and lying is doing nothing when we should be. When we do not stand for the unborn and those who cannot speak for themselves. It shows the resolve of our faith being very lukewarm. A people who are supposed to believe in God and the teachings of Jesus. We tolerate too much injustice. We have allowed the corrupt into power with impunity. We been passive about too much abuses. What is a worse iniquity greater than the seven deadly sins is apathy, cowardice, laziness, gullibility, selective thinking, selfishness and willful ignorance.  That the wicked sin we need to confess is being inactive and not proactive looking for the easier softer way.


So one of the sins we need to confess to is allowing tyranny and corruption to get this bad. Making excuses not to act complaining of a dumb down population holding us back. We blame them for our sad state of affairs rather than changing ourselves as individuals to be proactive and engaging in certain bold actions. Making excuses is a wicked way we must turn from. We must repent for not acting when we should be. Not willing to go the distance for the republic.

So if we are going to ask for God’s divine intervention. We must change ourselves as individuals first asking for the strength to be willing to die if need be for the cause of liberty and righteousness. We will not take back the republic with half measures, it is God’s way or the highway if we seek his wisdom and guidance.

If you are going to pray for Mitt Romney to be President or asking for a political solution. You are wasting your breath and wearing out the fabric on the knees of your pants for nothing. We have to be willing to submit our will and obedience. We have to be willing to make sacrifices and endure hardships and persecution. There is no rapture coming to take us out. We are here to be tested and challenged. If we are willing to pay the price, we will win. Good always triumphs over evil if we are willing to do what it takes. The wicked are willing to lie, cheat and steal and even murder for their dark vision.

If we are going to pray for our land to be healed. We need to ask that our conscious be clear and we asked as individuals must be willing to change. It  is not the leadership in Washington, in the state capitals, in the county seat and the city council chambers that are going to be our salvation. From the grassroots when people’s heart change is where it stats. Our leadership is a reflection of the people seeing this for the past few years. As a result,we got the government we deserve whether we wanted it or not because individually and collectively we were not willing to keep watch or be vigilant in defense of our liberty.

We allowed the courts to attack our freedom of religion and speech. We allowed the government to dictate for so long being the final check on the Constitution. We have failed being the final check on all government power and now we are paying the price for allowing this to happen.

So before we pray for Gods Intervention into our nation. We as individuals have to ask for forgiveness for allowing this darkness to happen first and for the sins knowingly we commit and unknowingly being a part of the problem why we are in trouble. Me, I am not blameless and do have to accept responsibility just as much for why wickedness rules over us.

For all of us ask God to heal our land. We have to confess and repent of our wicked ways seeking an easier softer way without making an effort expecting something for nothing. If we do that being honest and sincere. Our heavenly Father will never let us down