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North Bergen shock jock Hal Turner released from halfway house

The Jersey Journal

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Oct. 5, 2012


hal-turner-halfway-release.JPGHarold "Hal'' Turner, seen here during a 2009 court appearance in Hudson County, has been released from a halfway house, the Record is reporting.
Internet shock jock Harold "Hal'' Turner of North Bergen, who was convicted of threatening federal judges, has been released from a Newark halfway house, the Record is reporting on its website.

Turner left the facility this morning and now begins a three-year term of supervised release, the paper said.


He had been sentenced in federal court in Brooklyn in 2010 to 33 months in prison.

The case stemmed from the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in 2009 by three judges that upheld a district court decision dismissing lawsuits that challenged handgun bans in Chicago and Oak Park, Ill.

Turner protested the decision with inflammatory remarks posted on the Internet. Prosecutors said he crossed the line by declaring, ``These judges must die.''

Turner had claimed his tirades were protected by the constitutional right to free speech.

Turner made headlines in Hudson County and beyond with his right-wing, anti-Semitic, racist rhetoric on both is Internet radio show and on his blog. He later claimed that the persona was created to root out radical groups such as white supremicists for the federal government.

According to the Record, Turner must remain under house arrest at his North Bergen condo for six months and will only able to leave home for work, medical , religious and legal reasons.